
With the sequel trilogy existing now, I’d almost love to see someone take the overall narrative and remix it to be more cohesive. Cut the fat where needed. A “What if?” if you will. 

Listening to the tone of the audience change is so surreal. It really wants to make me shake some sense into those at the panel because it was their actions that emboldened the chastisement. Until they reacted the way they did - and they tried it again with the Diablo Mobile announcement - the crowd was cheering on

Cool I guess since increased diversity in how races are portrayed in fiction is overall good. That said I am glad he has made the decision to not eliminate Drizzt’ origin group of Drow since I think an evil group and just be displayed as an evil group. When I read the original novels of his I found those Drow to be

Kind of sounds like they don’t like ported assets and source code shenanigans. Doesn’t sound too far off from Bethesda policies of modding.

I doubt the multiverse shenanigans are going to bring back dead characters beyond Loki at this point. What WOULD be nice though is maybe getting some Miles Morales into the picture sooner then Spider Man 6 or whatever.

Look we just need more of the Ghost crew in other series. The Mandalorian, or Ashoka Tano show, are going to have to bring Sabine Wren into the live action.

Focusing on the singular Ghost crew was my favorite aspect of the Rebels show. Even the droid episodes were better then those in Clone Wars.

The only thing bothering me is the animation style. Something about it is VERY sluggish, seen best on the Thor talking close up and Yondu using his arrow.

It occurs to me that Kotaku used to be able to break these stories but now has to relay them from Bloomberg now that Schrier is over there.

Hadn’t listened to this one yet. That theme actually sounds pretty good and fitting for the character and overall soundtrack.

Give it Poison Crabs to throw from Half Life 2 and I would actually be scaled.

Hmmm pass. I like these films for the Studio Series toys now and anything beast related is not interesting to me.

Agreed totally. Han Solo would also benefit from not being the hero of the story. Let him get dirty.

ANY Remaster that is not a ground up rebuilding should be cheaper in price.

I was wondering why the latest Jimquisition was on FNAF. Now it makes sense.

Sounds about right. Looks like they have added to the melee mechanic so that it can be less interrupt-ty. 

Yeah that sounds right. I wonder if the plans for Dread got wrapped up into Other M instead? That was supposed to be a continuation of story between Super and Fusion after all.

Pretty sure Fusion is supposed to be the last we see most of those. Prime sort of exists within the 3D games, Mother Brain’s been blown up twice over, and Samus literally ate what was left of Ridley in order to spazer again.

Fusion I guess was pretty straight foreword which may be why some did not like it. It also simplified a lot in order to adapt to the GBA a bit. I loved it myself but I can see why people dislike it.

Look I am more excited about this over Breath of the Wild 2 and Metroid Prime 4. Metroid Samus Returns remake was pretty solid while playing it mostly safe, this looks like a great evolution of that and Metroid Fusion.