
Okay. I was under the impression that that’s what the discussion was about. So you do agree that the “expanded Mona Lisa” image is definitely art? Then what exactly do we disagree on?

You believe this individual did the as much work and in a similar manner as an architect, as a director, as a writer, as physical artist, as to be comparable?

I’m sorry but, no, scaling the canvas for Firefly to use and placing the image dead center does not constitute work. It doesn’t constitute an artistic decision. There’s absolutely no real thought or effort on display on the human side of this.

So I’m confused, who decided to put the Mona Lisa in the composition? Was it Firefly? [checks article] Oh no, Firefly can’t make decisions like that, it was a PERSON. Right there, that should be enough. The artistic concept was created by a human. Surely you can agree on this basic, obvious fact. But let’s keep going

It’s a “stretch” to say that expanding the Mona Lisa is an idea and a vision conceived by a human being? How so? 

So you’re saying that technology and progress itself is anti-art, then. How about putting the blame on the system (capitalism) rather than a single specific example of worker exploitation? It seems like there are many examples of this across all industries. When we treat people as disposable resources, there is indeed

Well then what exactly are you gatekeeping based on? You keep saying this “ain’t” art? How isn’t it?

But that’s not a parallel that makes any sense. Did you see the list of steps I wrote out? It wasn’t as simple as just pressing a button on a jukebox for the person who created this new work, they had to go through some effort and use human creativity to at least some extent.

Now playing

Do you seriously think that this video is not transformative and original art?

But simply finding a jukebox is not transformative or interesting, or worthy of discussion.

Art is expression, and sometimes violence is expression too. So sure, some violence can be art. You’d be hard pressed to argue that there isn’t art in most human activities, even the horrible ones. Didn’t Hitler employ graphic designers? And wouldn’t you say their work designing the Nazi flag and Nazi uniforms is art,

Way to go! I see the art and the conversation has enraged you to the point of literally physically threatening those you don’t agree with. Depending on the context, it might actually be art if you were to hit me, but that doesn’t make it right. There is lots of stuff that is definitely art that isn’t morally right.

So if people didn’t have anything to do with this, how are you hearing about it? Did Firefly just spontaneously come to be, and then create this all on its own, with absolutely no input from any humans? And then post it to social media?

Lol at these out-of-touch art snobs calling this stuff anti-art and plagiarism. Nothing is anti-art except for a suppressive attitude that discourages people from making art — like the one these snobs are exhibiting. How could anyone say with a straight face that it’s not art? It provoked a conversation. It got you to

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It looks like you’re allowed to stack up to three years of Gold membership into the future, and if a code would put