
I don't think they'll go the suicide route, only because it would be a rehash of Monica. But I do think it will be a serious crash, which will finally get his family to pay some effing attention to his obvious symptoms.

Yeah, I don't think the writers have a handle on her character. They basically just use her as an antagonist and change her personality/drive to fit the crisis of the episode.

I don't think the Ian storyline is over, I figure they're pushing the fallout into next season. I'm guessing we'll see the crash next week, which will nicely set up the next big hurdle in he and Mickey's relationship-dealing with his illness.

I am struggling to understand Svetlana. She was complicit (and possibly also a victim) in Mickey's "corrective" rape, which presumably is the incident that resulted in her pregnancy (assuming it's actually Mickey's kid). She has known all along that Mickey is gay/in love with Ian, and that their marriage is a sham

I agree Ian's story seems to be more about Mickey, but that may be because Noel Fisher is a much more compelling actor than Cameron Monaghan. Either way, I can't wait for that storyline to finally coalesce.

I'd stop there if I were you. I really liked the first 4 seasons, but the show completely changed from that point. It used to be the story of Jax trying to find a way out of this life; now it's a story of unrelenting misery and chaos, and they've had to significantly dumb down the characters to fuel their "crazy" plot