
Nvidia’s current sales push seems to be emphasizing the ability to play video games at 8K, which is kind of pointless in my opinion. The real utility here is general purpose computing. Pretty much all CUDA software makes use of as many GPU cores as it can; the kernel scheduler mostly takes care of that. I’ve been

That’s a very valid point. Most new feature films exist only as files. How much better can we preserve that data, through repeated copying from old media to new media, than we could preserve these old reels of film?

No, it preserves only a small subset of Americas film reels.

Look at the volume of the diesel tanks on an average semi, then look at the volume of the trailer it’s hauling. Doubling the volume of the tanks would barely make a dent in the overall volume capacity.

Good point. I would be more concerned with energy density per pound than per cubic foot, because carrying the extra weight is what’ll cost you, not carrying the extra volume.

Looks like a scam, walks like a scam......

Just remember that per their terms and conditions, all that information that’s collected by the scale, your weight, heart rate, blood pressure, liklyhood of a heart attack, etc, is being sent to the manufacturer’s servers to do with as they wish. Forget all the HIPPA rules that apply when you see your doctor, by

If only everyone was paid sharecropper wages, you included of course, all of these things would suddenly be affordable!

True. Taking Hollywood Blvd. to get across Hollywood is just asking for misery. As Betty Davis said, always take Fountain.

So you haven’t given up your car, but are waiting for everyone ekse to give up theirs first? My but aren’t you a hypocrite.

I cross that intersection every day. Yes, it’s a good idea from a pedestrian viewpoint in this particular case because this intersection has a *huge* number of pedestrians, most of which seem to be gawking rather than looking where they’re going. It also seems to cause a bigger traffic backup on surrounding streets

So where is it that you live that makes having a car completely unneccessary? For 95% of the population, that’s simply not possible, not even with a concerted effort to make use of whatever mass transportation happens to be available.

Not to mention the cost of the labor to make the changes, the cost of the traffic cops that are needed to direct traffic while parts of the intersection are closed off for the paint to dry (even at 3:00AM, that intersection is busy), the cost of the additional signage, etc.

Correction: Netflix will soon be the only place to find Disney, et. al., other than Pirate Bay. The more they try to fragment the audience and try to make people pay for a dozen services just to watch the dozen shows that they want to see, the more that people will find alternative sources.

“incredibly lifelike”. What does that even mean? It looks remarkably like the stereotypical bomb that we seen in the movies? Was it making ticking noises, because that’s what the cops assume all bombs so?

The only time I ever did any sand casting was in high school metal shop (yes, I’m old). I made a C clamp, even though aluminum is obviously not the best material to make a C clamp out of, then drilled and threaded the hole and turned and threaded the shaft to go into it. Took me a good part of the semester, but I

No, it isn’t

Wow. A Golden Corral , Olive Garden, Target, and Best Buy all in the same shopping plaza! I ask you, what other town in America has that combination? Oh that’s right, all of them. Every fucking town in this country has the exact same chain stores in the exact same shopping plaza on the side of the exact same highway.