
If I were Madonna I would stop leaving the house.

Now playing

Just as an aside, I was watching commercial parodies for a project this weekend, and I stumbled upon this. I had never seen it, and I love it, and she is fantastic in it. #ytumamatambien

Contact information for the Idaho State Attorney General Lawrence Wasden because FUCK THIS:

This is my great dream. How do we make this super concert happen?

Sorry, Michelle. When they go low, dig to the core. The high road has gotten us exactly here.

Are you me? I just finished watching the first season and I had the same reaction. Of course now I also know that the pot I smoked in college was getting women and children killed in Mexican gang wars. These days I’m just owning that I am a terrible person all around.

God I miss cocaine.

I’ve always stood up for you Ponies. #deadtome

I don’t even have words these days. Disgraceful. There’s one. I fear for all of us, and I am disgusted at what we are becoming. We’re disgraceful.

NYC raccoons fear nothing. I recently watched one casually drop out of a tree at Prospect Park, stroll past a gaggle of gawking people, perch himself on the lip of the garbage can next to me, and mundanely start chowing on trash like he’d just passed my cubicle to grab his sandwich from the break room.

Have you seen Compliance? That movie is devastating and reallllly difficult to watch, and her performance is a big part of the reason why. She is just ferocious in it. She’s a tremendously talented actress. I kind of adore her.

I think you’re thinking of The Walking Dead.

This woman, Ann Dowd, gives one of the finest performances by any actress that I have ever seen anywhere. What she says in the first season of this show, without saying a single word, could fill the Bible. She is remarkable.

I love this comment so much I want to ask it to prom.

So we need a sexy British vampire and a tacky amulet. Anybody?

I don’t know. That just sounds like Jersey to me.

You know, for people who don’t want to exploit Shelley Duvall you sure have published a lot of articles exploiting Shelley Duvall. I would know nothing about this horrid “interview” if Jez hadn’t published four articles on it in 24 hours. We get it. She’s mentally ill, and we get to watch, and it’s awful, still awful,

Not holding my breath for a guilty verdict. Before and after Eric Garner, we still can’t breathe.