Stafford's Stank Fanger

Michigan State is stretching and warming up...

Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”

On arriving home from school, the boys asked their parents what the pussy is and how to fuck her right in it.

Manziel doesn’t look like he’s doing well.

If Asthma was personified, it’d look like him.

They turned his legs into linguine.

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

Always good to see some bloated dunce who seems unemployable finally getting off the taxpayer teat.

Your move detroit

We’re going to find out Ken Burns was Keyser Söze all along.

Best homophobes in baseball. They hate gays in the right way.

I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided “spin” that followed. This despite the really bad microphone.

“People in the drive-thru ask if I’m JaMarcus Russell. I tell them no, then tell them yes as they drive off.”

Psssssh, CMU... they are obviously Indian givers.

This is fucking flagrant disrespect by the NCAA toward our National Anthem. The NCAA hasn’t just canceled these events in North Carolina, they’ve canceled the playing of the National Anthem at these events in North Carolina as well. I’m not a member of the military but that is insanely hurtful to the many members of

Tatum Bell, professional luggage inspector.

So, to get this all straight:

It's a good thing people this sensitive have blanket license to harass and murder the people complaining about this very fact.