Petty Betty

There are some sick fucks on this thread.

It’s frustrating because when someone dies of course u want to focus and remember the good. I have no problem with that, but let’s not gloss over the bad.  

Yes. This case is one of the best examples out there of a victim doing everything right in the aftermath of an assault and still getting totally chewed up by the system. She told a friend. She went to the hospital. She got an exam done. The exam documented evidence, including bruising around her throat (Bryant choked

Literally everyone called him mamba....

A least u mentioned the rape, but let’s not act like this was a she said he said case. There was a lot of damning evidence against Kobe. He clearly raped her and u can admit that and still talk about the good he did and the legacy of his career. People are complicated and we can be honest about the good and the bad. 

College seating is like church seating, it isn’t assigned, but everybody usually sits in the same spot.

It is bullshit like this that is causing a dramatic increase in HBCU enrollment. Let’s support our own and leave these racists and their cave dwelling minions to their fuckery.

Except Ball State University is a college, not a high school, you fucking imbecile. Fights are rare in college. Now get your racist ass out of here.

This has me confused too. It almost sounded like a friendly gesture, “Hey, your usual spot’s open if you want to move”, but somehow responding No thanks, all my stuff is set up, you know” got the police called. Like was this tense from the get out or did the professor just pop off because he declined? Weird.

Because they joined the force to exert power over black and brown bodies. Any ol’ excuse will do.

We are talking about a it now over breakfast, no one in my house remembers any profs having assigned seating outside a chemistry lab.

So, assuming there isn’t assigned seating:

Oh probably. They didn’t say it, but at least one of them was thinking that he’d orgasm if he got to shoot a black kid.

RDJ getting nominated for an Oscar was ridiculously stupid and pretty much showed the Academy was as clueless. It comes off as, “a white actor did blackface and didn’t get lambasted for it so... racial progress... I guess? We should nominate him.” RDJ was great in the role and the movie prodded the issue in an

They’ve learned to use the police to do their racism for them and the police will gladly arrive, attack, then make up some charges. No questions asked.

That is some petty ass bullshit.

Borna issued a written apology to his students and the school...

Cops don’t see harassing Black people as a waste of their time; it’s the highlight of their day.

Exactly. I think RDJ was fucking brilliant (and hilarious. Sometimes you just fucking forgot he was dude playing a dude playing another dude) in the role, but ain’t no damn away he should have even been nominated. It’s also one of those films for the MOMENT. No way that shit would fly now. Like Blazing Saddles. Some

Megyn, the joke in Tropic Thunder was directed at stupid White assholes wearing Blackface, not at Black people. There’s this thing called context, which happens to be very important. You and Justin Trudeau can take a long walk off a short pier with your White nonsense.