Petty Betty

Right? You can sense that he’s like, They’ll laugh any second now! Any... second... now... Just keep going! They’ll laugh eventually... Wait for it... wait for it... Wait. They’re not laughing?

Which is extra dumb as hell since he’s lighter than some Italians.

Not gonna lie. I thought she was a very light skinned black girl.

It’s a joke because Ariana’s whole career is essentially the musical equivalent of Blackface.

Looooooove the dead silence in the classroom. This asshat really thought he was selling it. Probably had a cold one time and his TKE brah said, “Brah you sound like that one dude brah,” and the rest is history. his job is history.

That’s sort of what I was thinking - I don’t wanna sit next to some unstable crack ass dude, they aren’t stable and IMO dangerous. If I knew someone near mea was like that while I was eating, it wouldn’t be a relaxing meal. I’d stay focused on all the people around me, wondering, waiting, for one of them to feel

If I went to get chicken wings and *didn’t* see black folk dining I would ask to be seated at a better restaurant.

No this isn’t a training issue. You don’t train people “don’t spit in peoples’ food,” you just fire them if they do because they’re supposed to already know that. They’re also supposed to already know you don’t cater to bigots in your dining room when assigning tables. So there’s nothing to train...just fire their

One half day of training isn’t going to reverse decades of ingrained racism, though. This should be covered in orientation, too.

If you’re weak enough to think it’s ok to ask someone to move because another customer has racist tendencies I don’t think training will solve that.

I’m sorry but there’s only one Cowboy Curtis. That racist fool needs another, more fitting nickname.

I’ve had this happen a couple times. Let them move because I won’t. My money is just as green even if my skin isn’t just as white. 

Wait, he would refuse to pay for food sometimes and people still let him in their places?!

Ya, that’s what dose not make sense. Watch it come out that it was one of the franchise owners. Someone corporate cant fire. But the local staff had to obey.

I don’t give a fuck that they fired everyone, that location should still be boycotted.

Apparently it has been green at this place for some time.  Others have come forward to say they’ve had similar experiences.  There was a reason for the employees to act the way they did.  Most likely it’s because this is an unwritten policy of the company.

Exactly! I don’t give a hot dayyum how regular a customer that person was. I’m pretty sure they’re not gonna spend as much money as a party of 18 hungry kids. Even if there was no actual customer complaint, those employees cost that restaurant a good bunch of money with that stunt. So yeah, taking their business

When I was a server in a medium-ish suburb (lots of chain restaurants) there was a a guy who frequented a few of them that the staff called “Cowboy Curtis.” He refused to be served by a male server, because in his view it wasn’t a “manly” job. He was also racist as hell and stopped speaking to the woman who had been

White never beats green.

The comments under her post were downright horrific. It ranged from “Well Why didn’t you just move?” to “Was it really that big of a deal?” I want to know who in the fuck was the cracker that didn’t want anyone of color sitting by his or her pasty ass? Maybe those patrons didn’t want to sit by his pigmentally