Petty Betty

Oh, they’ve seen women before, just not as human beings.

They get a bit confused when they can’t see where to put the dollar bills!

It’s absolutely degrading behavior. Teenager mob mentality.

“And they’ve bought her 80 new suits” -The ball is curving back into play!

If there is a baseline between exuberant celebration and disturbingly degrading behavior, these videos are a slow roller toward first that might not stay in fair territory.

Kinda feels like they’ve never seen a woman before. 

In a statement on Friday, Talladega College issued a “sincere apology to all of those who were hurt by Mr. Banner’s divisive commentary,” explaining that the address “does not reflect the views of the College,”

To the sad Wypipo whose feelings were hurt: Since when has the truth NOT hurt?!

You know what happens when you make “David Banner” angry?  You won’t like him when he’s angry...

that other song that’s not ‘Like a Pimp,’”

Please tell me there is film of this speech. I want to see how many white people’s mouths hit the floor during the speech. I also want to see footage of the President of the college having a stroke or heart attack during it.

That’s how all those two person acts look.

And Japan is the bastion of racial equality now? People are racist everywhere.

The millions of brown-skinned women and girls will be targets of derision by classmates, strangers, churchgoers, mothers and fathers, entire families, the media, no matter the country they’re in.

Yup, I’ve lived there for a while and still visit the country from time to time for business and they are very casually racist.

I’d extend that to the Asian region in general. I was in my mid teens when while talking about Thailand and the Philippines with a Chinese friend he casually tosses out “Oh, but you talking bout those nigger asians though!” Over the years I’ve heard that term from Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, you name it.

Got called “kokujin” multiple times in Japan, by old ladies. Which people will say translates to “black person,” but I’ve been called nigger enough to know it in all languages.

I tell people this all the time, but the reason all cops are bad is because good cops cover for bad ones.

I think initial reports said weed was found on scene. Man was just chillin stoned eating some ice cream before she shot him.

I don’t give a shit if she is a cop why the fuck did the police department allow her to be around a crime scene? If this isn’t further proof of the “blue wall of silence” I don’t know what is. This is gross on so many levels. Nothing makes sense. Why are you banging on a door that is your apartment?