Petty Betty

This troll is describing two completely different situations. This neighbor didn’t see anyone trying to break in and call the cops since Ving was in his home already,she simply saw a black man walking around inside his home and decided to cause trouble by flat out lying to the 911 operator. This isn’t about being a

Listen everyone and this is NYC. If a white person calls the police on you for breathing etc., you DONT LET IT GO. As soon as the police come and its shown to be racially motivated 

I’m not going to take the troll out of the grays but this is some dumb shit and needs to be addressed:

He should have called some friends with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch to find this dumb bitch. 

I said you see this black man, the father of my babies? If anything happens to him I wouldnt just get rid of your relatives in America, I will go back to Europe and dead them.

AND then turn around and ask where are the fathers.

I am POC and could be consider large, one day I called to the cops to report about teenage kids speeding up and down our street. The cops showed up at our house in the afternoon to take my statement . My little dog heard them and started barking so I walked outside to greet them and they pointed at me and shouted at me

How are ANY of these bullshit calls different from Swatting?

I assume from your handle that youre Hispanic. How in the world did you not get nailed withmaking terrorist threats after saying that?

You forgot: No Racist! No Racist! YOU’RE the Racist!”

I can’t get over this part in particular. It’s such an obvious deterrent to this bullshit, and hell, departments are always already trying to get money from citizens however they can. (I mean, anyone here ever tried to park in West Hollywood without getting ticketed? They are ON YOU about one minute after a meter

Literally (and I do mean literally) two seconds before reading your comment this exact thing ran through my mind. What burglar opens a door when someone knocks on it? Especially one in nothing but basketball shorts?

Not a great plan. The cops will argue that the call and refusing to answer the door gives them probable cause.
Whether that actually constitutes probable cause isn’t as important as the odds you get shot.

When their neighbors are black, they choose not to know them. 

And what burglar opens the door when you knock? Like do people usually rob houses and pretend to be the owner when the police show up? One look at a driver’s license would clear it up.

Yeah confusing that she didn’t know a large black man moved in. But hell...Ving is and has been famous for years so you think a celebrity moving to your neighborhood would be noted in passing with other neighbors.

And if the sight of a black man is so damned unusual, are they really claiming that they’ve never so much as noticed their neighbor? 

this also happened to Henry Louis Gates almost 10 years ago. How are these people so unaware of who their neighbors are?  Fine, many people don’t interact with their neighbors, but to be so oblivious about who lives near you?  How long have these neighbors lived there?  

“Excuse me Becky, why did you call the cops on your neighbor using his key to enter his home?”

Don’t open the door, lock it, get your gun and ask for a warrant.