Petty Betty

This does not compute:

Hands up! And I'm white. I didn't get to slap anyone. But I don't have to go to that family Xmas party anymore.

“Dang, he couldn’t even get a seat on the back of the bus?”--Rosa Parks

Whelp, he was fired immediately. That’s great. He deserved to be fired.

You know, I never REALLY thought about it but now that I do...

mediocre my ass, I loved that movie.

Show of hands, how many of y’all had a gun pointed at your head?

One of Latifah’s 3 greatest acting moments IMHO.

How are you just gonna ignore one of the blackest moments in that scene: The fact that there was an empty 40oz btl there for Stony to pick up to threaten to hit Cleo over the head with. C’mon, champ!

There are some peak Negro-ism moments in film, and this is one of them.  Risking your life is no big deal, but how DARE you take away my honor!  Sigh...

Absolutely. I re-watched it not long ago and it has not aged well. 

I love it too. But it’s not a great movie, thought it’s a “great” movie, if you catch me.

I have video of a man insulting a woman wearing a shirt with the Puerto Rican flag on it being berated by a white man while a cop stands there and does nothing. Still no charges brought against him and the cop was originally reassigned to desk duty before resigning in shame after a week of public outcry.

Don’t whatabout on this one.  It’s not a good look.  

Actually, he was arrested yesterday and charged with a felony hate crime.

From what I understand they were from out of state, so they first had to be identified, located, tracked down and extradited. And they were.

Yes. For instance, the white supremacists who attacked a Black man at that rally. Remember how the police originally charged the victim, and took weeks, if not months, to charge the attackers?

Yeah I do. The ones that wear badges especially

You got video of a violent assault where the perpetrator attacks a random stranger in the street in broad daylight and wasn’t charged? If not, no one needs your whataboutism

She beat an elderly man with a brick for no reason...I’ll take immigrants over homegrown assholes any day.