Petty Betty

I’m surprised Linda hasn’t played the “I have a black friend” card.

Nothing new here... the only real difference is a camera and social media. If anything this behavior is tame compared to 20+ years ago.

The little boy is MOWING LAWNS and PLAYING WITH WATER in the summer. That’s what children do! She really got upset because they were playing with water and wet her house? Does she get mad when it rains? Or is she just anti-fun? I’m sure if she would’ve been nice from the start he’d be mowing her lawn for free. Miserabl

White America y’all are cannibalizing yourselves. Don’t you have better things to do?

Please, Kat. This is the best thing to happen to your career as a perpetual runner-up. Placing second on American Idol behind a human easy listening station. Overshadowed by Megan Hilty on your own series.

alas, marketing stuff to tweens IS a career

Yeah, she’s lying. Her lips were a thin straight line. She just made them a little smaller than the overfilled look she had for a while.

We all laugh but the joke’s on us

Concur. Her lips are now a more natural look, but not her original, natural lip, which was thin.

I was a little scared to make such a drastic change to the part of my face that defined my career

OMay, I wouldn’t say she had allllll that stuff sucked out, but she did have it taken down to a more realistic level that looks better and like something she could have been actually born with. Now maybe her sisters will consider thier ridiculous lip injections, as well.

did she really get all of the filler out cuz they still look a little plumper than they did pre lip filler.  ??  

Good observation. I think that was 2 year before his legal throw down with Warner Bros.

Being a Prince fan got harder and harder after Diamonds and Pearls, at least until Musicology came along. 

If Prince had as many fans as Stans, he’d have sold more records. And he’s one of the most talented musicians of all time, so let’s not confuse this with slander. We like some musicians because they’re cool and talented. The music itself is secondary. 

I think a lot of people like the idea of her, and it feels right to say that you like her, even if you actually don’t. I will admit that Dirty Computer is the first Janelle Monae album that I really get into from beginning to end. Before now, I saw her talent, but the albums just didn’t curl all the way over for me. I

Was it Rae Sremmerd that came to the BET Awards one year in the bathrobes they got from their hotel rooms? I was just done. Although I have to say that I appreciate the Migos wearing those fits they’ve had on for the last couple of years. I finally got to see the Everyday Struggle post-show interview from last year,

“Yea I hate that the BET Awards always seems like the bottom of the barrel of awards shows and aren’t taken seriously anymore.”

On 10. Janelle Monet is literally Prince. Immensely talented and more people like her than her music, but will fight you to the death if you say that.