Petty Betty

Well, she does have all her teeth. That moves her up into finalist territory. She sure as shit isn’t in the running for Miss Congeniality.

Nah more like

She’s only somewhat attractive, but she’s white, and, most importantly, blonde and thin, and almost as importantly, super racist. She’ll be fine. Someone will hire her right up, I’m sure.

Why does she look like a Thundercat?

Nah, many of the kids of today will find new and currently unfathomable ways to be shitheads when they are adults, including racism.

If the USAF catches wind of this—assuming her enlistment has not already been acted upon—she’ll never see the beginning of AFBCT.

If she’s already in, she’ll be subject to the UCMJ, and may see rather more than just a summary dismissal for this vile horseshit.

More like the US military doesn’t tolerate OVERT racism. There’s an article today about a bunch of former Marines who are now aiding and abetting White Nationalist causes.

Racism will die out when stupid people die out. Unfortunately right now we have a surplus of stupidity.

It was a stupid mistake right? No. A stupid mistake buying sweet onion ranch style beans when you meant to buy regular ranch style beans. What you did, you did intentionally. It wasn’t a choice that you were oblivious to. You fucked up, you got caught. In the words of Thanos, “I hope they remember you.”

Speaking from experience, the US military does NOT tolerate racism. If she is currently enlisted (as in the USAF Reserve) she will be in court martial pretty much tomorrow or ASAP. They don’t fool around with that shit. If she is “committed to enlistment”, she’ll be dropped with a mark on her record.
EDIT: I’m not


Well if she didn’t suffer from economic anxiety before, this new unemployment might fix that...

Yeah yeah, apologize now that your arse is on BLAST. lol. #MissUsWithAllThat

“Apparently yesterday Duncan shared a post about everyone making mistakes ...”

An accent has shit to do with being a racist.

Ain’t these some good-Christian-salt-of-the-earth-straight-cake-eating-Murrican-folk right here?

Clem, Cletus, Cousin Fucker Carl? Just tossing out some likely potentials.

I’m sorry you’re stupid, Tabitha. Best of luck stripping at the biker bar.

So how we doing on coming up with names for the Y chromosomed in the video?

The interwebs say she is also enlisted in the USAF and the twitterati sending messages to USAF to not allow her to start.