Petty Betty

The way he’s always been? Drake realized, either consciously or unconsciously, at some point that if he wanted to make it in hip-hop he couldnt be the half-jewish Degrassi Drake, but a “blacker” Drake. He’s created a persona that did just that, and it worked, black America swallowed it up for years.

Yeah, the whitest thing he did there was indeed announcing that “he has a black friend.” Not even regular Black, but Africa Black. He just couldn’t help throwing that little reference in there could he.

Drake guaranteed to keep all his white fans in the afterlife.

I mean, he’s a singer who jumped off the auto tune bandwagon and took a massive bite of Weezys style. Sooooo, yup.

i mean we should have known cuz his first single was “Best i ever had” and like who has that as their first single then transitions into The Motto with Weezy. like something dont add up. Then when he played rih? Over. Cancelled. Erased.

And paid his child support.

Always. Always. I went through a retrospective due to all this and I came away like, how have we fucked with him for this long. *thinking emoji*

Drake shoulda just sat there and ate his food

Drake has always been a bitch. I mean someone has to say it and I guess that person is me today.

If it was truly an accident, one does not have those post-incident responses.

If this were anything but a white man those Snaps would get him arrested for vehicular manslaughter. He clearly did it on purpose and fuck anyone for arguing otherwise

i assume they’d have to find something else to make it an actual crime, and then the posts would influence sentence. If cell phone records show he was texting while driving or if his toxicology comes back flagged, he’s rightly fucked.

I almost hope so, just so there’s something to charge that shitstain with.

I wonder if Matthew hit him because he was fucking around on his phone. If so, charges should be brought.

White people are racist and see no value in black life, yet they are always invading black spaces an appropriating our culture. Sick, twisted people.

Wondering, if they do manage to somehow convict the driver, can these snapchats be used against him as in not showing any remorse to the victim when it comes to sentencing? I hope so and it results in a longer and harsher punishment.

TThis is how a lot white people and others see black people. Like a speed bump. As a thing. And notice the age of the killer. Anti blackness is timeless. If they could find way to get rid us they would.

This is how “they” are. They dont give a fuck. Its obvious and evident. Proof is in the pudding. I read a post yesterday written by a white lady that basically said for white people to stand up for POC. I wanted to write her back just to say for every 1 you. There is MILLIONS like this asswipe in this story. I