Petty Betty

We can pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, get an education and help others like they claim we don’t do and no matter what, we will still be criminals in their eyes.

Depends on who is brandishing the weapon. He would have been arrested that night had it been the other way around.

Not that misleading since it was Court TV that didn’t care enough about the victim to hide his identity that caused everything to snowball the way it did. Had they agreed to hide his identity he would have probably testified.

Not when the President (and his racist supporters that defended it) thinks Africa is a shithole country and would rather we had more people immigrating from European countries. 

Most likely the lucky person he was going to have sex with. 

It wasn’t the sparking noise from the taser alone that woke the student. It was the shock then uproar and loudness of the other students who witnessed what happened that woke him up. Basically he probably wasn’t faking and it took a lot of damn noise to wake him up. Did you miss that part?

I think it’s mostly about her baby. Cardi has went out and performed for her fans anyway when a promoter didn’t pay her as promised. Granted she didn’t do the entire set but she didn’t want to leave them hanging even though the promoter screwed over her.

This shit is crazy.

He was charged with murder twice before this. He received a second degree murder conviction for the first case and pleaded to lesser charges in the second case. So he does have a murder conviction on his record.

School dress codes are guidelines and not law either but this young man was still arrested and now dealing with the juvenile court system.

Two words were repeated one too many times in this video and racists love to use those words any way they can when it comes to black people: Angry & Aggressive.

Probably Lovely MiMi.

Noxeema Jackson did it better.

If white people don’t know by now that it’s a good possibility that they will get hit for calling someone black a “nigger” then I don’t know what to tell you. Right or wrong, it may happen. The only thing you can do is tell your white friends not to be dumb asses. Yeah they can call the police after the ass whooping,

I don’t know but something tells me she isn’t faking the funk. So far her FB page hasn’t said otherwise.

This was the video of the week for me. Shared it in a group on FB yesterday and it was a hit. You can tell her and her friend are really enjoying themselves.

Clerk may not have been white, but she damn sure was racist.

I’m assuming she straight up lied since she was the only one arrested.

Joseph Predelus was the pregnant woman’s boyfriend. So allegedly, the guy kicked the cop’s sister in the face and she decided to attack the pregnant woman instead.