Petty Betty

I think he maybe a woman beater but not necessarily because he punched a police officer 6 months ago.

You know the motherfucker is a troll when you ask him what stereotype he is referring to:

Lady. That’s one incident, so I’m sorry but you’re going to have to do a better job and show your work. What’s the matter? Are you having a hard time understanding the question? We know what incident you are referring to, I want to be clear on the actual stereotype you’re trying to frame this as. Is this confusing for

Yeah get mad at the writer. Don’t get mad at the walking stereotype...

He’s and ugly moron with money so he has no game and probably never needed it.

Isn’t that last line sarcasm? Trump Jr and family don’t give a fuck about ICE agents ripping apart families so we shouldn’t give a fuck just like he doesn’t give a fuck.

The New York Times piece doesn’t specifically address the data on black girls, but the full study does.

Yeah because he shouldn’t have been charged in the first place and that last charge should have been dropped along with the rest.

I have a feeling this bitch is going to do something similar to her brother one day and try to excuse it as self defense because people wouldn’t leave her alone. Other than the older sister who got married, not too many knew this one even existed. Ol’ attention seeking, racist-ass idiot.

IHOP and our franchisees have zero tolerance for actions that are or allude to discrimination of any type.

Damn and I’m from Texas.

The minute he threw her under the bus it became assault. Definitely not sexual assault but assault none the less.

Right? Just shut up black people! You don’t have the right to complain about shit your ancestors weren’t allowed to complain about at all.

Every week a new way to fuck with, kill and terrorize others just comes out. Who thinks up this shit and has the time on their hands to do it? Now this community has to deal with serial bombings? It’s amazing that no one has noticed anyone dropping off these packages and nothing has been caught on camera.

I don’t think it was about him having no self control. They also agreed to not have any young attractive men babysitting either. They wanted an older woman with previous experience as a nanny.

what of poor whites? i make a decent amount of money to be considered “middle class”, and i dress ok, but im perpetually broke because im in debt with college loans, home loans, car repair bills, on top of other “normal” bills.

You’re allowed to feel however you want to feel about it. It still doesn’t make anyone who chose to go ahead and pay the higher price a victim. The situation is explained to them before they pay. No one is being forced. They have an option to pay the lower price, higher price or not eat there at all. These people are

Fine. Just don’t come here and try to play the victim role when you aren’t one.

No white people where technically targeted. They had a choice on whether to pay the higher price and 80% chose to do so. That 80% could have chosen to pay at the lower rate just like the other 20% and the minority customers.