Petty Betty

From what I’ve seen this doesn’t have anything to do with religion. This is all about greed and a $7 mil payday.

If it was a similar situation where that stranger was a threat to someone immediately close to me or a child, yes I would. It wouldn’t even have to be my child. I can’t stand the thought/sight of a child being hurt.

It was my grandmother and she had Alzheimer’s. We evacuated Houston to Dallas during Rita and being in traffic and heat for over 8 hours really bothered and confused her due to her dementia. Other than to her doctor’s office, she hadn’t really been any where other than at my Aunt’s.

So in order for us to believe that its possible for 4 police officers to subdue one 66 year old woman with a bat, we need to have first done it ourselves?

Michel (Michelle O’bama) Le (lay)

“a black panther cap where it’s not clear from first glance that it is indeed about a superhero”

It has the damn comic book character on it too and the person you responded to had the nerve to try and say it could be confused with the militant group.

Because the police department is still investigating and hasn’t decided when or if they are going to press criminal charges against him. A DA determines whether or not he will be charged, she doesn’t.

“If you walked into a bank with a grenade shell filled with candy and threw it you’d be prosecuted. Why not for this?”

This police officer rammed his ex-wife’s car off the road and shot her multiple times with their 7 year old child sitting in the passenger seat of his car. He was then allowed to walk around with his gun in a hour long standoff. After they removed his daughter from the car he shot her again. She was sitting bleeding

He didn’t have to contemplate the scope of the guy’s life history though. He just needed to remember he was on a 5150 call and dealing with someone that had mental health issues.

Yes but he has mental health issues and wasn’t in his right mind. He could have just decided to mirror the stance of the officers around him. Look how close his stance matches the officers. It doesn’t appear, to me at least, that he was merely pretending to pull a gun to commit suicide by cop. There is just no way to

Since he has mental heath issues, it’s just as likely he decided to mimic the stance of the officers surrounding him. He didn’t just act like he was pointing a gun he mirrored the officer’s shooters stance. There is just no way to know for sure.

144 Ferguson protesters were arrested.

She was putting on some quality acting last night too. Every time someone complimented Hillary she would roll her eyes and exhale extra hard to show her contempt.

So in other words you missed the point.

It made Trayvon Martin a thug, shouldn’t she be considered a thug too by the same metric?

And a old ass reserve deputy, that shouldn’t have been an officer anyway.

“At police officer’s urging, the unnamed accuser stayed in contact with Hardcastle after the alleged attack took place in January, as she tried to piece together what happened that night.”

I had to leave the thread entirely. It got so, so bad.