Petty Betty

Keep what hate going? What are you talking about? I clearly said what they are doing isn’t right. However, I do understand the internet has hordes of idiots who will do stupid ish in the name of defending some entertainer they worship. Especially if they think the entertainer was wronged or done dirty by someone else.

No one knows whether they ever fooled around. Beyonce didn’t call her out. She never said the woman’s name. Rachel decided she wanted to be a part of it and called herself “Becky with the good hair.” Beyonce didn’t say “Rachel with the good hair.”

Meh, they fucked with her because she put herself squarely into the middle of it. No one would have went after her at all if she hadn’t. Not saying what they are doing is right, because there isn’t anything right about it. I’m just saying, she sent for them, so they came for her. Everybody knows the Beyhive and

I’m calling bullshit on your claim that an employment lawyer told you she had no case.

The company didn’t change the dress code though. This was a memo sent around one office and implemented at one place. It is not recognized by the entire company and was never formally added to the employee handbook.

Snopes says that isn’t true.

I’m sure they know that. The NFL seems to think weed is worse, which is what that comment is addressing.

He more than likely is white and pretending to be black online. He comes across as a troll trying too hard to imitate what a black person might say.

Yes. It’s going to continue but with a much more determined effort to prove we aren’t shit to them. The percentage of officers’ death due to violence rose a minuscule amount but the amount of black bodies will raise significantly as payback.

Being able to evolve and learn isn’t the issue. Everyone has the capability to learn something if they want to. Opening your eyes and ears and actively choosing to learn and evolve is the problem. If it doesn’t effect them, a lot of people don’t care to listen or even try to understand the plight of others. It’s not

I agree. As much as I hate what happened, I understand the thought process behind the people who did it. I have a 12 year old son, my daughters recently became legal adults and my stepson is 26. We live in Texas and I am scared as fuck that no matter what I teach them, since they are black, it won’t really matter.

This will not bode well for black communities everywhere, not just those in Dallas. Every police officer that goes in on shift after hearing about the officers killed in Dallas will go in more scared than they are already. They will be on high alert and every black person they see and come across will look even more

The sad part is that Texas isn’t that bad. The people who run the state and the wealthy are what makes it so bad. Born and raised and still living in Houston.

Other than his word, has there been any pictures of his supposedly broken teeth? How can you have extensive damage to your mouth and no bruising or cuts on his face near his mouth?

Other than being a straight up asshole, they’re racist too. Why am I not surprised?

False white women benefit the most from affirmative action. People mistakenly believe AA is only about helping minorities which is simply not true. AA is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination in relation to employment or education. Most tend to only tie AA into college admissions

I thoughts that what Paris Hilton and the Teen Mom did. I was under the impression that Kim K fully acknowledged and was never in denial about her sex tape.

True some do get pregnant more easily than others. I have never had a hard time conceiving though. It is possible to get pregnant easy and also be successful with the pull out method if done right. I do not have sex with my boyfriend during my fertile days as the odds are extremely high that I will get pregnant. I