Petty Betty

This will not bode well for black communities everywhere, not just those in Dallas. Every police officer that goes in on shift after hearing about the officers killed in Dallas will go in more scared than they are already. They will be on high alert and every black person they see and come across will look even more

The sad part is that Texas isn’t that bad. The people who run the state and the wealthy are what makes it so bad. Born and raised and still living in Houston.

Other than his word, has there been any pictures of his supposedly broken teeth? How can you have extensive damage to your mouth and no bruising or cuts on his face near his mouth?

Other than being a straight up asshole, they’re racist too. Why am I not surprised?

False white women benefit the most from affirmative action. People mistakenly believe AA is only about helping minorities which is simply not true. AA is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination in relation to employment or education. Most tend to only tie AA into college admissions

I thoughts that what Paris Hilton and the Teen Mom did. I was under the impression that Kim K fully acknowledged and was never in denial about her sex tape.

True some do get pregnant more easily than others. I have never had a hard time conceiving though. It is possible to get pregnant easy and also be successful with the pull out method if done right. I do not have sex with my boyfriend during my fertile days as the odds are extremely high that I will get pregnant. I

I track my cycle religiously and my boyfriend uses the pull out method. It has worked for me for 18 years.

She tried to channel MJ again

Sadly it’s probably not affecting his blood pressure at all. If there were any actual consequences to him being openly racist, then he probably wouldn’t be openly racist. There is simply no way he hasn’t said something ignorant like that to another black person before.

This has happened to me before and even though I knew deep down it was due to racism, I never discussed it with anyone because I didn’t think anyone would believe me at the time.

Tomato troll.

I vote tomato troll.

It doesn’t matter whether or not her followers follow him too. This didn’t stay on social media. It is being reported outside of those spaces. People don’t care about the truth as long as the lie is entertaining and he is trying to combat that. It’s his name and he doesn’t want to be associated with the craziness that

They are nobodies in the grand scheme of life who don’t have a name well known enough to care about it being damaged.

You’re also not a well known person like Arsenio Hall who may feel the need to protect his name.

The victim probably didn’t go to his parents because he knew his parents would stop him from going there permanently. He still wanted to be able to enjoy his time there so he told someone he felt could make the abuse stop without having to give up visiting a place he loved.

Exactly, the victim probably didn’t go to his parents because he knew his parents would stop him from going there permanently. He still wanted to be able to enjoy his time there so he told someone he felt could make the abuse stop without having to give up visiting a place he loved.

You mean the Bush phone.