Petty Betty

Damn, you ok?

A troll has caught the masses and they’re following him under the bridge instead of going over it. Smooth too, just took a few words.

I scrolled back up confused, then choked on my drink laughing. Thanks!

I hate when people say that too. A new racist is born everyday as long as they have a racist family or friends to teach it to them. I’ve been hearing they are going to die out the entire time I was growing up and I’m 42 now and still hearing it.

Maybe she can't stand the thought of a gay marriage lasting longer than any of her 4 marriages.

Or didn’t fiddle with their clothes, nor waistband and still got shot for daring to move one step forward or back.

I’ve been commenting here over 3 years now and I am still in the gray.

Damn I wished I hadn’t read that link. Hearing about it and finally knowing it’s true is a fucked up feeling. Shit.

Jez may not have posted it but Gawker sure did.

Jez didn’t post it, but Gawker did. Classier sites you say, aren’t Jez and Gawker owned by the same company?

I was going to reply to him/her earlier but decided against it. Didn’t want them to delete it when they realized how ridiculous it sounds.

I hope the baby gets the help she needs.

I really need to finish reading that before my daughter comes back home for the summer. Thanks for the reminder.

lmao I wasn’t offended, can’t get offended by something that isn’t true. I just responded along the same way you responded to me. You read my tone wrong, guess I need to throw in some smiley’s and winks next time. The thin skinned jezzies aren’t commenting on this post.

So in other words you’re both short as fuck too. Got it. No one of any considerable height would be able to fuck in the back seat of a prelude. If you had any idea what I looked like you’d be embarrassed of your comments but to make you feel better you can continue to cast me as fat & ugly in your mind.

LMAO I was 5’6” 105lbs at the time. Boyfriend was 5’7” 135lbs. If you’re doing it right, it can’t be done in the back seat. We did it in the front passenger. That half stroke you were doing didn’t count.

College boyfriend had a prelude. You’re right there’s no way you can do anything in the back seat. Front seat riding yes, but no back seat action.

So that’s the first name calling you recognized on this post? You just skipped over the poster who labelled all women cunts because of the actions of a few. Someone rightfully calling someone else a troll bothers you but the bullshit that prompted the response isn’t even acknowledged. Your problem isn’t with feminists

So am I. I have that book at home. I’ve read quite a few true crime books. “She Wanted It All” about Celeste Beard is pretty good too as well as “Bitter Blood” about Susie Newsom and her cousin Fritz Klenner.

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