Petty Betty

Not a good parallel. Hitting someone accidentally with your car is not the same as accidentally hurting someone who may be attacking you. Presumably the person you mow down wasn't charging towards your car in anger before you accidentally hit them.


yay cookie for you!

She is not as successful as you think, they are thinking about canceling BBWives Miami because of her violent actions on the show. She did so much last season she had to admit she was wrong for what she did. Ev and Ocho may have been her last 15 minutes of fame.


You do know that a head butt can be accidental and still cause damage right? He could have been trying to get her off of him and in the struggle they bumped heads. His defense is that it was accidental. Not defending him, but to say simply because he didn't have bruises he is wrong or that she is smaller he is wrong

Yes, I definitely don't condone what he (allegedly) did. If this happened as she said, he deserves everything that is coming to him. The thought that continues through my head though, is that some mutual fighting was going on between the two. It's hard for me to reconcile this as just he got upset over being caught


Because that's not what the article was about. Donating to the rape crisis center was the pizza company's way of saying they don't promote sexual assault.


I am entitled to my opinion just like you are, with that said, again I think it was a great response. I don't condone rape nor sympathize with rapists. I was molested by a family member and almost raped by a peer in middle school. My first and steadfast reaction when I hear about someone being raped is to

Great response. You are not the only one who believes that it wasn't rape.

So true. You can say what you want about Tyra but she had her shit on point. She did deserve to win.


Great points.

They probably didn't expect to get rejected because it was a paid for ad in the "Celebrations" section of the paper. The Forum did initially take their money and while same sex marriage is not legal in ND, paying for and placing an ad announcing you are happy to be getting married is legal. Unless the paper is put


Yes you do deserve #COTD!