
Christians who blame Satan for anything are the worst. The devil did NOT make you do it. He didn’t possess your body and pilot you like a meat mecha and make you do bad things. YOU did the bad things. YOU rationalized what you were doing. YOU ARE A BAD PERSON! Satan A. Doesn’t exist and B. If he did exist he’d be

Being a kid? That implies that you have to stop at some point and I will stop giggling at the suggestion of something a little risque when they try to foist me back in to hell.

You know how much I would kill to be that bored and stress-free in my own life? Gah, to have so much energy to devote to being so stupidly outraged.

Does anyone ever really want to go to the office Xmas party anyway?


Of course she’s a model prisoner. Doing everything someone tells her to do is...kinda her wheelhouse.