
If you’re using smart bulbs, you kind of have to avoid using your lightswitches again. As when you use the switch, you lose the remote control part to turn the bulbs on. It’s a learning curve, but most of the family now knows not to use the switch for this.

This is all tidily encapsulated in the form of my sister: always lecturing about natural cosmetics and for coconut oil and against aluminum antiperspirants and how many kilograms of protein to eat at each meal... but she’s got a half-pint of silicone in each breast. Girrrrl.

Did they ever address the bug where sometimes Gym would turn yellow?

What the fuck is wrong with you? If you have kids, you aren’t tripping again until they turn 18. Imagine trying to deal with a life threatening injury or illness while tripping balls. Fuck off.

Because as a country we looked at what happened at Sandy Hook and decided we were ok with it.

Lock him up! Lock him up!

This is why quacks like naturopaths should be banned. Let’s not give any fake legitimacy to their nonsense. This child was essentially dead by the time his body was brought to actual medical professionals. I guarantee you every quack being asked about this situation is going to say that the actual doctors screwed up

What I don’t get about naturopaths is that they always claim that “back in the old days” people healed themselves with these natural remedies. Well, no. They didn’t. They usually died. They might not die of a little trifling cold or fever (although some did!) but they died in large numbers of diseases that today have