It’s not a lawsuit. Its a complaint to the Dept of Education, fyi.
It’s not a lawsuit. Its a complaint to the Dept of Education, fyi.
Can I be the first to say I don’t think it was a mistake?
You’d have to be a pretty big idiot to pin that white rose to your lapel if you’re a man.
His point is so dumb I’m not sure it deserves a response.
I think you’re worried a lit bit too much about who your daughter is fucking.
The Democrats are the minority party. If Americans gave a shit about DACA they should have made them the majority party in 2016.
I don’t see that as being in contradiction of her current views. These 2nd wave feminist criticizing metoo seem to be criticizing it becomes they don’t believe it empowers women, it makes them seem like victims. I mean, at least that is what they say in every interview.
Perhaps there is some internal dissension within Jezebel about Grace’s story which is playing out in the coverage.
Perhaps there is some internal dissension within Jezebel about Grace’s story which is playing out in the coverage.
Perhaps there is some internal dissension within Jezebel about Grace’s story which is playing out in the coverage.
Someone’s mad I insulted his favorite club. “I hate the white male power structure! Now excuse me while I join a club that emulates all its worst parts”
I do not think women of color are less likely to deal with date rape.
For a self professed comic book nerd Clarkisha Kent seems to know very little about the comics she’s reading.
Yeah, this thread is weird to me. Of course the X-Men were created to mirror the civil rights structure in comment book form. Its pretty explicit about that. Later writers have used it to mirror LGBT and Muslim rights struggles. How could anyone miss that? This is the flipside of the right wingers who want to keep all…
I’ve long moved past of hating Tom Brady even though he is a pretty obnoxious character. Rather, my Patriots hate is focused on spiting one fan in particular - Bill Simmons. I hope Tom Brady hand fucking falls off if it means Bill Simmons will have a bad day. Does that make me petty? Yes?
There isn’t. This about as shallow as critique gets. I’m almost done with the pop-culture wokeness of the Root. So much of it is drivel written up like its high-minded enlightenment.
She did not appropriate the term “bad feminist.” Stop it. Stop it. That is not a term that can be credited to one group. Lol.
But everyone does it ... so almost all UFC fighters are bitches! I’m going to find one and let him know about our theory.
They really haven’t tried to fix the problem in a meaningful sense, so that is why the problem persists.
Dana White is king of the assholes. He makes Roger Goodell and NFL owners look like Mother Teresa. If Dana White saw his kid get hit by a car, he would yell at him for not brushing it off like a man, and claim he could have dodged the car if it came at him. There is no leader of a sports league worse than Dana White.…