Stache Gordon

You’re right, its the price. You simply can’t buy a hamburger that good for that cheap. If price isn’t a problem, than yes, there are a lot of places comparable or better.

Yes, we should be encouraging minority women to live in fear. Rusty hasn’t killed anyone. She and her camera person were perfectly safe.

Thank you. Why would we take the outrageous claims of a known liar seriously? When a person is that paranoid and racist, it affects everything they do. You can’t believe a word out of his mouth. 100 dogs will soon turn to 1 dog and it will turn out that it was the neighbor down the street who shot him.

They basically asked her to sign away her rights under the Civil Rights Act. That is pretty bad.

I think this sentence right here is why people hate US soccer fans -

If abortion was ever criminalized again rest assured that assholes like him would still have access to abortion services. It would be just under the table, at a big fee, or in Europe or Canada. Restricting abortions is all about harming women, poor women mostly.

NFL Execs -“Kyle Orton’s available?!?”

Before you answer that, first let me know who the hell Cardi B and XXXTentacion are?

What a dumb comment. I’ve been watching white people do stupid shit on TV since it was evented.

I would endorse everything reboudnstudent said. It sounds like to me you guys have different sex drives. There isn’t really anything wrong with that, per se, but it sucks that you have to feel unsatisfied. I would go to a sex positive therapist if he is willing. Also, I would ask your bf to explore and tell you his

Letter #1 - This sucks. But you haven’t really given us enough info to judge. Are your taste different? Is he just not into sex? Is he completely satisfied? I would explore these questions b/c they will help you figure out what to do.

Speaking personally as a jealous hater, I don’t have a problem with his diet. Its his stupidity that I laugh at.

Diving is already part of the NFL. Just watch every pass interference, roughing the kicker/passer call.

I totally agree that the NFL should legalize holding and believe part of the collapse of offense has to do with tighter officiating of the offensive line.

This is a tour de force. I use to hate Brady until I realized he’s a walking ken doll who just plays football. I imagine Brady sitting quietly in a room by himself, drinking mineral water and spring water, just resting his mind until its time for football again.

Handmaiden’s Tale > Westworld. But I cosign the rest.

Taylor Swift is awful. Considering her attempt to gaslight Kanye, I wouldn’t use her as the best example. The reality is race, gender and how much money you can make other people all play a role in the redemption arc. The people who get redeemed can still earn. Kathy Griffin will be doing Netflix specials in a year.

I assumed the question was a rhetorical one to all of us, including them. But thanks for living out your passionate leftist twitter beefs on Jezebel.