
I don’t know. To me, WH was about two horribly abusive people ruining the lives of everyone around them. Though I guess adolescent love can go that direction. Heathcliff beating his wife and depriving her of her son because her brother married Cathy is especially charming. Also, the part where he abuses a child so

Good on him.

imagine being enough of a fuckhead to type and publish this comment, seek help

Why do people hate fun?

The daughter of the real Stonehouse has raised some issues wit the accuracy of the portrayal, but this is a bright and breezy couple of hours or so of television, with Macfadyen playing an almost implausible dumb, brittle British politician whose career burned brightly but briefly and crashed and burned in bizarre

Remember the worst part of Fantastic Beasts when Colin Ferrall transformed into Johnny Depp at the end.

By “act of violence” I mean something gruesome that needs to be kept off-screen: it’s obviously violent, but doing it off-screen heightens the feeling that it was a violation in a way that simply depicting the scene wouldn’t have.

You know you’re doing well when you get upbraided for being difficult and self-involved by Laurence Olivier.  

between the gentle lapping of the pool water and the goofball frolicking (or cute lazyness) of these critters, it’s become my new mindfulness strategy to watch this stream.

It’s gotta be over pretty soon, the wife and I were both rooting for Meredith to just die already, it's hate-watching at this point

The show’s very premise pissed me off. At the surface I was actually excited: I would genuinely be interested in a show about the Baker Street Irregulars, a ragtag group of street urchins, petty thieves, spies, and brawlers doing the intelligence gathering and legwork for Holmes.

You’re not wrong, I didn’t think it was possible for me to think worse of the artist, but he’s managed to pull it off.

Check out the 1997 version with Charles Dance as Maxim de Winter, and the delicious Dame Diana Rigg as Mrs. Danvers. Tywin Lannister + Olenna Tyrell! This fantastic version of Rebecca always made me enjoy their GoT scenes together just a little bit more.


saw this at TIFF last year it’s excellent and ahmed is phenomenal.

Look, if you haven’t adopted “it must be nice” or “I’m a general, wheeee!” into your personal lexicon, maybe the problem isn’t with the musical.

Watching this - the first time in months I felt good again.

>I never watched this show in prime time but I always thought it was kind of cute and happy that it existed. Sometime in the past shit show of a year (take 2020 and add three deaths in the immediate family plus a divorce from a raging alcoholic monster) I found myself watching back to back episodes Saturday mornings

I was watching the first season the other day and man that show somehow still holds up. It’s also crazy how ambitious they were with locations (granted “Cabot Cove” Maine was really Mendocino County on the other side of the country)

This episode emotionally wrecked me a bit. Well, it at least punched me in the heart in a more direct way than other episodes. I mean, I'm a gal with depression and anxiety. I've struggled with feelings that I somehow missed out on a lot of "normal" things/occasionally feel detached from "normal" people. Not in, a,