
I explained it to my ex once. "Look, it feels like something is trying to burst out me, so I am really fucking sorry that I don't a shit that the cashier looked at you weird."

I call it "My Real World Time" — a brief moment every month when I stop being polite and start getting real.

I only recently discovered that Franklin had died, after thinking, "Man, I wonder when the next Mistress of the Art of Death is coming out" and having a very disappointing Google session... sigh.


I got the first one in the series as an Audible book, my first one. The woman reading it has a lovely English accent and I couldn't resist.

Since the books were first circulated, there have been rumors that the books were actually written by male doctors.

You are welcome! I hope you like them — I devoured them. They are a fun read, let me tell you! There are four in the series — and then Ariana Franklin had to die! She went out the way I would want to, though, sitting propped up in bed, reading a great book, wearing cozy pj's. A lot of people want to go out having

Oh, thank you! I always appreciate book and movie recommendations.

If you are interested in Trotula and the medical school of Salerno, you might like the Mistress of the Art of Death books.

Erin, you are wondeful. But this "They don't make us incapable of performing at work. They don't necessitate bedrest." is kind of wrong, for many women. It feels a little—myopic.

It's totally rational for parents to assume that their children are highly unlikely to retroactively give a damn

I'm going to assume this question is from a very young person who doesn't remember the days when parents would take pictures of their babies, put them in huge photo albums, and then embarrass their children and bore everyone else by showing them to only passing acquaintances?

The violation of personal privacy doesn’t start until an individual has the ability to understand what the violation means.

Yeah...I think the best solution would just be reasonable sick time allotments for everyone, no gendering necessary. :/

Misandry's not in the dictionary. That's definitely a win for the dictionary.

Women with severe dysmenorrhea* and no sick days would appreciate this measure.

Most of me agrees with you, but there is the tiny part of me whose heart skipped a giddy beat at the thought of no-questions-asked time off to deal with my debilitating, painful periods. Thanks for acknowledging that you don't face many problems - I'll be interested to see how others respond who also, like me, have

This is not at all true. If a 48 year old woman politician with a husband and baby at home was busted TWICE for sending picture of her muff to younger men she didn't know, and then proceeded to not quit her campaign for office, Jezebel would be like "Holy shit, this woman be cray."

That's the "I don't know what/ who that is! LOL! Are you craziee?!! Oh, all the wiiiiild partiees and hot chicks I go to!" type of typical response this sad-sack gives.

He doesn't deny sock-puppeting, but instead denies knowing what a sock-puppet is?