
So you're saying it IS a woman's responsibility to never ENTER an unsafe place right?

I've never been skinnier than my first 2 years of college when I was partying 3 nights a week. This is in spite of the pitchers of alcohol I consumed regularly. I was probably skinny because of the 4+ hours of dancing in one night that going out entailed, as well as traipsing up and down blocks of bars.

Size 12 is plus sized in the fashion world (because being extremely thin is considered "normal"), not the real world. Anyone who's a size 10 to 12 is medium sized. Now if you wanna argue that anyone who's a size 14 or above is in the plus sized range, I'm not going to disagree with that.

He's got a certain burbling enthusiasm, kinda like your roommate's little 16-yo brother when he first visits campus. (Later that night, he pukes everywhere and you find him passed out in your underwear drawer.)

Dude, have you ever been laid by a chick? Your mom doesn't count and neither does your cousin if it was in your mom's basement.

You're interested because you're concerned about people actually *gasp* giving a shit about plus sized people (and I stand by the fact that those women AREN'T plus sized just because they're not rail thin), and you clearly think less of them.

This story has nothing to do with weight, but you keep focusing on the weight of cartoon women because that's totally productive and those women are willing and able to listen to your concern.

Yeah because there's a huge difference between 18 and 21 year olds when it comes to attractiveness. All 18 year olds are beautiful and all 21 year olds are homely. Yup, that's how the world works.

So how's that Jez - Deadspin exchange program working out for you so far?

I'm pretty sure ilcebra88 is the latest identity of a long-term troll. His comments tend to garner the same number of up-votes, suggesting sock-puppeting.

I kind of feel the same way every time I see this sort of content on Jezebel. It's great when women don't feel bound to the pressure to act feminine, but do we need to encourage a cycle of binge drinking and fucking as much as humanly possible? That's really not a happy lifestyle; it's a self-deluding lifestyle.

I behaved like this in college and I was the despairingist, most self-medicating headcase on the planet.

"In every chapter of Zeta Chi, women who exhibit "unladylike behavior" (dancing on bars, being too sexual, and being too drunk are the most common offenses) are called into Standards, a court-like panel of students elected by the sorority's upperclassmen."

Wait... Lars Ulrich is at the creator of Napster's wedding?? When did those two become friends?

I actually find the idea of a herd of bunnies shitting all over a bunch of rich people in custom outfits kind of delightful.

What the fuck? Singe when are vests and tail coats medieval attire? This douche can spend millions remaking Big Sur into his private event space and hiring the LOTR costume designer to shove his guests into outfits created for the event, but is to damn spineless to commit to the theme of his own fucking theme wedding?

Nothing quite says "appropriate wedding theme" like a story where a seemingly innocuous ring is to actually to blame for all of the evil and cruelty in the world.

I don't need to watch that shit. He doesn't deserve my time or the electrons on my computer. He needs to go fuck himself and then die a horrible death.

Not knowing you and your niece, I still want to go kick that employee's ass.

As someone who sews and sees the amount of fabric that goes into different sizes for people, it's honestly not that great a difference. Not only is this guy acting like 30% of fabric is a huge number, but his failure to provide a base-line for knits that are likely serged together is pretty ridiculous.