
My theory is that Hufflepuffs become the doctors, nurses, social workers, activists, scientific researchers, etc. Because they're the ones who CARE.

The face! Cracks me up every time!

Oh pardon me, I meant to reply to KeithA0000. "We're all gonna die!" actually comes from Aliens, which is a complete non sequitur, but I can't help but hear the words every time I see Bill Paxton or his name. Sorry for the confusion!

Gotcha. Thanks.

We're gonna die, man, we're all gonna die!

There was this minor event called the recession, where parents well able to provide for their children lost their jobs, and are still unable to find work.

Alas. The current Conservative government is doing it's best to run roughshod over its moderate populace. We don't have the same scale of social problems, though, so it looks like we're doing okay.

Okay, I've heard that several times now. Do people (and by people i mean regular folk) not realise that? Has that been a taking point for Dems? Or is the voice of reason so completely drowned out by the frothing Tea Party. Hordes? (I'm Canadian, so I don't understand the nuances.)

I saw it, painfully.

I saw it, painfully.

True, true. But...

Yay! No anti-Canada filter!

Yeah, I'd be defs into a reboot. I used to watch them as a teen, then recently tried to rewatch the series, and found them... er, unwatchable.

I managed to keep myself s spoiler-free for a month because I had deadlines to deal wroth, and when I finally got to see the last ep I was all "WTF I WAITED WEEKS FOR THIS??"

Fuck that last season of Ashes to Ashes. I like the idea of Hunt's Purgatory, but did they have to gut Alex' character to do so?

I think I cried during every episode of season five, and it's only partially to blame on me being a parent and not being able to cope with watching children in peril. Heartbreaking! The whole season was beautifully wrought.

Castration removes the testes, not the penis.

Shut up, dickface.

Holy shit, it's horrible what happened to you. I'm so sorry. You must be a far better person than me, because I'd hold that memory close to my heart and plan for the day when I could get revenge.