
I was thinking this very thing. It probably * has* been done before, without the entourage. I hope doesn't bring out the racist trolls.


Sooooo. In the spirit of piling on Jezebel for every little thing, why does one on the kids have dyslexia? Is it to wish a not-so-perfect child upon a person you wouldn't like? To enhance the family's perfection by giving them a small imperfection to heroically overcome?

Urgh, my 9-yr old broke his leg skiing in Feb. and everybody was commiserating about the loss of his wintersports season. I was all like, "at least I don't have to amuse a casted kid all summer."

Naw, just because it's been done shouldn't mean that new artists can't explore the subject. I'd hate to think that walk-in vaginas are forever off-limits to my body of work.

Sushi is as sushi does. It's not like Japanese women stop eating it when pregnant. As long as you're sure the fish was handled properly, it should be fine.

You are far too kind. I would have charged the owner on top of neutering and vet bills. I hope your happy boy is okay.

I'm a bit shocked at the number of people who say "don't tell, and walk away." (I shouldn't be, but there ya go, faith in humanity and all that.) The reasoning is that the only person that got hurt is OMGWTF, and that to heal quickly she must completely dissociate herself from the association.

The thing is, she's already done with him. You missed that. She has ceased communication. She may not be over him yet, but that's her own business. Her dilemma now is, should she inform his wife that he's a total shitbag who lies to women on the internet, and to her?

I am imagining it to require the same stamina that is needed for doing one of those physio exercises - the kind where you have to put your back against the wall in a sitting position, that makes me cry.

So you just wanted to lecture her, then. That's helpful.

I was wondering about that, actually. I have not tried to research real twerking, as I suspect I'm too elderly to approve, but I rather thought there was supposed to be more of a knee-bent stance. Mikey's seemed more... porn? As in, the straight legged thing was more for the benefit of grinding against Thicke's groin

Wowwwww. So a guy who lies to women on the internet advises to "let it go." Be indifferent.

I dunno about sending attachments. We don't know when or where she would open the email, and I, suspect she'd probably like to do it in private rather than at work, for instance. I like my idea (of course I do) of putting everything in a dropbox and sending her the link. That way she gets the bad news without having

I'm thinking, upload everything you have to the dropbox, all photos, chat logs, videos, etc. All the evidence. Obscure yourself if you want. Then write her a short email, expressing your regret, embarrassment, and desire to do the right thing (I.e. standing by women) with the link, and she can decide what to do.

It is weird. I know that my dad would rather drink bleach than acknowledge either of his daughters' public sexually-charged performances, if we did such things. I'm sure he still thinks of us as virgins, despite us having three children between us.

You made me spit on my tablet!

Eeeh, the Beasties were on board years ago. I guess they didn't have a whole song about it though.

Try it out before you go, with both of you and your count in the house, so he can see how it works, then ask if he wants to do that while you're away. That way he'll know what to expect.

Yes, sometimes it's easy, fun, and even sublime. Most of it is just takin' care of business, though.