
I rather assumed that the Miley-centric focus was that many of the Jezebel writers, uh, "grew up" with her. I know they're older than her, but maybe they watched her shows? I have no idea.

Thank goodness for cool aunts! You have my best, best wishes and appreciation!

Wooow. I hop it's a while before she becomes a great-grandma!

Every kid needs a cool aunt. I'm sure mine kept me from going absolutely suicidal when I was a teen.

Is it that they look significantly different? Or that 3-children families are rare? What?

11? *faints*

Pregnancy anecdata galore! I stayed on Effexor during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because my doctor looked it up in two books and said it was okay. (Yes, I implicitly trust my doc.) I had pre-ecclampsia and HELLP syndrome, so within a 10-day span I received magnesium, epidural stuff, morphine, massive doses of blood

I had to pour 8 litres down the sink because while my drug-riddled milk was fine for my guy, it wasn't good enough for the bank. I feel your pain.

And the anti-immunisation shit bag whose name escapes me, but I refuse to say anyway.

I hadn't considered intersectional performers (probably because I've never seen any in the local scene) and while I agree that it's a valuable exercise in critiquing/subverting the practise of burlesque... it's still done for the male gaze (and dollars). I don't consider it revolutionary.

And never will be, because one need not have any expertise whatsoever to contribute to articles.

The problem is that she's never done anything original. Many of her stunts can be traced back to feminist performance art of the 70s-80s. (I don't like her music but) I'd be more inclined to admire her if she could come up with something new.


that the neighbor that Jesus said to love as yourself was the person you were taught to hate while growing up.

Wikipedia: not a scholarly reference.

Omg. I've played with this troll before. For him, any subjectivity = feeeeelings. I suspect he's incredibly disassociated from people, so he believes he has the only true path to rational thought.


I too need a definition: what are Sj circles?

No one, not even goddamnpolitics, is telling you not to wear makeup. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to navigate your life with as much ease and benefit as you need. It's just that is wrong to claim that the choice to wear makeup exists in a vacuum; that makeup (or not wearing makeup) isn't in some part influenced by