
It's the quick smile that does it... sort of like, Loki loves the adulation, but Tom loves the game.

The thing is, even if we (”we ” meaning the oppressed) have agency under kiri/patriarchy, that agency is severely limited to fit within its bounds, or we face being ostracised. When we trespass beyond the limits, we encounter censure and social isolation.

One, I LOVE those crochet earrings. Two, this reminds me of all the best parts of breastfeeding - watching my little guy smush his face into my gigantic boob, that sleepy, content look, the smell of new baby and milk.

I'm with you; I'm always an the accuser's side, because, you know, statistics and evidence and stuff.

Of course it's a gender equality issue. How else do you equalise the workplace when women take the necessary time off to near children? You pay them.

Oops, my reply to twyla should have been to you!

I have a theory about this (it's little at one end, very big on the middle, and little again at the other end) which is that Americans cannot easily laugh at themselves... and therefore find British (and Canadian) humour intensely uncomfortable. Thus the disdain.

I've seen this a couple of times, and I've tried to read up on it, but could you please explain what an at-will designation is? (Moi, je suis canadienne.)

Maternity leave is fundamentally an issue of equality. The game is rigged against women: we are less likely to be hired, to begin with, and the period in which both men and women establish and solidify their work seniority and authority coincides with our chosen childbearing years (if, like good feminists, we've

Paid resources for children won't make people better parents; programmes that acknowledge, support and educate new parents *will* help build healthy family environments, leading to more stable societies.

I applaud you wildly!

ACTUALLY... Wasn't there an MI5 episode about Diana's crash?

Well you can cross most of Europe off your travel list then. Service compris.

Having a guy pay for the first date does not preclude paying for the entirety of the second date, nor does it mean she doesn't ask people out and pay for it. There's no twisted logic here, just twisted words that you're putting in her mouth.

WAIT WAIT WAIT. His dad surprised his mom with a house? Stop worrying right now. You're not even starting on the same playing field, let alone level ground.

Haha so it's a he, cis white sceptic... did I nail it or did I NAIL it?

You'll need to check out GradientLair, because she has excellent reading lists; some general books, and weekly round-ups of relevant topics.

And I'm offended that I was forced to read his post twice because his pronouns were bad.

The one time I can recall letting emotion take over in the comments here because I simply could not abide what a person was saying, it was after an extended conversation about an area in which I do not have privilege, and it was at that point that I realized that it didn't matterwhat I said to them, they were still

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