
Miss C, I am curious about whether or not there is any activism in "modern" Mennonite community about this; if there a desire to "rescue" the women and children from Old Order groups, or if there's an implicit agreement or understanding to leave each other alone. Please excuse my awkward phrasing and seeming

The women you mention may be assholes, but they are assholes without the stigma of mental illness. And, they may have been perfectly nice until they had star power, then turned the screws.

I pretty much breastfed anywhere, anytime. I've never been modest about my body, and was already well a feminist when buddy was born, so was quite sure I could handle anyone objecting... but no one ever did. Restaurants, stores, community centre, library, cafés. The modern art museum in San Francisco. One learns

"Consent," in the context of being paid to perform sex on film, is not necessarily "I love BDSM, I'm going to do this film," but may also be "this company pays the most," "I need to eat/make rent/pay off bills/etc," or one of the many reasons women choose to do, or are led to do, porn.

Well done for taking on your dad! I have a compulsive complimenter dad myself. They're SO embarrassing.

... from a total stranger

We were there partially concurrently, probably. I spent much of the rest of my time there in film and lit classes... y'know, things UW is so well known for!

Not. A. Fish.

Atlantic white-sided dolphin, I think. Similar to the Pacific white-sided, but with a bottle-nose.

You can only hold both genders to the same standard when “the playing field is level.” It isn't, so I don't. Do you have any idea of how much of a devil's advocate jerk you sound like?

I started in Rhetoric, then quickly realised that I hated it. That philosophy course was brutally boring!

You are SO tedious.

Thanks! (Blush)

O my god there's a fifth? SHRIEK!

I was just about to say the same. I REALLY, REALLY LOVE THOSE BOOKS.

Woo! I'm an irrational female. Did you mean to say HYSTERICAL? Because that's what you're implying.

That still shouldn't result in a patient having to wait for more than 20-30 minutes... unless the doctor is overbooking. That's a common practice; booking two or even three people in the same time slot, figuring that a couple will be just a few minutes, and it will average out during the day. My doctor never

One (or two) paid "personal day" per month for everyone. TADAAAAH problem solved. I am The Solver.

Yes, I don't think that gritting one's teeth and bearing it without complaint is the way to handle it. For some women, things get miserable. And as to emotional instability, I've always enjoyed Shakesville's explanation, that it's not that we can't handle our feelings once a month, it's that once a month we lack the

I feel that it's okay to post their pics up to a certain age, and as long as they are respectful. That would definitely mean no nudes. I was very serious about teaching my kid bodily autonomy, so then turning around and posting his darling baby bottom online is hypocritical.