

Well, I knew that *you* were an asshole before I determined your gender.

It has everything to do with it when it's on a feminist forum.

Exactly; a standard, not a double standard.

She's merely the most recent in the string of (increasingly savvy, thank goodness) women he's done this to. Repeat offences generally merit follow-up don't they?

As if anyone participating in online fora in 2013 doesn't know what a sockpuppet is. Sheesh.

That was so uniquely unique I think I peed myself!

Would it trouble you to know that I'm often promoted by the Jezebel writers themselves?

No, it's to do with Weiner, a prominently-placed man (i.e. powerful) abusing a power differential between himself and young, starry-eyed women. Keep up, grasshopper.

Everyone hold the phone. Illicitbra or whatever is a sockpuppet troll. Alert! Alert !

Thanks. Although I wouldn't mind trying the "random engagement" thing with him (as I just heard of it in Lindy's post).

I lived in Kits when the first Lululemon store opened on 4th. I quickly realised that they would never be suitable for my fat ass (although I have no problem with other people's fat asses wearing them) and was horrified at the prospect of Vancouver being covered by goretex and luon.

Actually, when I saw the graphic I was pleased with how juicy they were!

Urh, I wish I'd known he was a troll, and that it was a he. ›_‹

It's not wrong to be a woman drinking and fucking in a rape culture, but it's what comes afterward - the slut-shaming, the irreparable "reputation", etc - which is the problem.

Haha I bet I know which one - on Terminal by the recycling place?

I LOVE THIS. “Yes, I have sometimes observed that behaviour in domestic waterfowl.”

OMYGOD you coddle mommets! I may have to adore you, but I feel the call of the sukebind on this long summer night...

Wow! thanks for posting it! I didn't think anyone would bother!

All y'all women, I share your pain. But after many years of reflection and practice, I developed a method of practicing feminism without destroying my happiness! You too could become as serene as me!*