
I was just about to check out the twitter TOS. someone else do Facebook, k?

I was terrified that a heel would catch on the wooden bridge and someone would break his ankle. :(

He needs to learn to choose his moment. What is he thinking, following a ten without even knowing if he has enough air in the tank?

You both need to explore some Harry Potter fanfic. Polyjuice cocktails, anyone? "Cock"-tails, get it? Geddit? Maybe you don't get it. :(

Jerks. It's like when our cat farts and I'm rolling around gagging and she's just lying there regarding me indifferently.

MRAs have sometimes insisted that feminist organisations must give equal weight to male circumcision when campaigning about female genital mutilation. FGM involves the partial or complete removal of the clitoris, hood, inner or outer labia, or some combination, to ensure that the woman she grows up to be is 1)

Don't even have to shower, really. A quick rinse in the sink would be fine.

The only thing good about the video was the opportunity afforded to Jimmy Kimmel to satirise it.

THANK YOU. I've been trying to figure out what song it reminded me of. The Thicke song was kind of stuck in my brain, but a few iterations of Marvin should take care of that!

I'm wildly curious to know how the cats react...

In our house, we give advance warning loudly and clearly. If one slips by, we excuse ourselves loudly and clearly.

Hmm, I would have said polar, subpolar, temperate, subtropical, tropical.

Because he didn't admit wrongdoing as a free confession of guilt,

Qualified doctors perform abortions in clinics, which would be similar to things they do in their own offices - IUD insertion, Pap smears, uterine biopsy.

My 10-yr-old is on that same path, although we caught it much earlier. We pulled him out of the public school system after kindergarten because they were trying to tell us something was wrong, but they wouldn't have him tested until he was ten or so. LIKE WTF. So he went to a Montessori school for three years, and

I had bad cramps and heavy bleeding for the first six months, and I was like HOLY SHIT WTF. Then things calmed down, slight cramps and light 3-day bleeding the next six. Then occasional bleeding for the next year, but very small amounts and very little cramping. Now, I have spotting or tinging every few weeks, and the

During my 20+ years of Diva cup usage, I think I boiled it... once. Maybe twice. And only because it fell in the toilet.

This sounds like a great opportunity for Major Life Change!

The first time my kid went on a field trip (he was about 4, in day camp, going to a wave pool about 45 min away) I was a complete wreck. If I'd had a car, I would have driven out there.