
Lilyreeds, you are a great mom.

Word. Or rather, mot.

Why examine evidence when he's admitted wrongdoing?

Cleaning toilets with his tongue, more like.

Yes, I drool in unison. Not so much a fan of beading, but the embroidery is stellar.

Eeeh, I'm going to disagree. What if she really wants to perform? I can identify in that if everything was taken care of for me, like running a household, being properly fed, being a supported mom, then I'd be able to do what I really love, i.e. make art.

Baby looks somewhat Asian, and lots of them have adorable sticky-up hair.

OMG did you go to Waterloo?

Your cotton shirts are also made up of protein

...wasn't allowed to be an engineer...

Baby tapir!!

Why does this guy look like Jim Carrey? Please tell me it's not him. Plz.

My little guy came two months early too! I was hooked up with a midwife and wanted to do a water birth, dim lights, etc etc and then WHAM pre-ecclampsia, intervention this, intervention that, get that kid out of there! I remember a nurse asking, "Did you fill out a birth plan?" and I was all like "DOES IT FUCKING

Others have done the pile-on much better than I could, so I'll just mention some additional info:

It is interesting to consider the effects of chemical happiness on creativity. Speaking for myself (and one or two friends, my level of creativity remains constant, whether I am medicated or not; the ability to produce art, however, is greatly affected. When I missed doses or slacked off, I was incapable of organising

I visited Calgary a couple of years ago; I found it very... white. Nice otherwise, though.

I did see, and thought it was indicative of rural isolation (I mean, didn't they watch Little Mosque on the Prairie?) but my experiences are in Vancouver, so... huh. In my case it may have been a class issue, as the comparatively rich moms politely allowed for my "blonde daughter" to be adopted, while the Philipina

Representing for Canadian brown girls, yo.

Thanks for your candor, DrMunks. Talking to others is the key behaviour, I'm thinking, to being able to bear the weight of what you have to read. Online communities help a lot, as you don't have to adhere to the same social rules that one does when confiding in one's friends. I would be honoured to support your

Holy shit, you're so fucking stupid. My nine-yr-old understands this better than you do. You realize Pizzey is not a scientist, and all of her theories are based on... personal observation? She sounds like your kind of gal.