
Ask a generous and trusted female friend to let you read some of her dating app messages and you will quickly see that most men do virtually no emotional labor. That’s why women are talking about this.

As someone from a NOT close knit family, I can say that when I’m at my most depressive, the idea occurs to me to disappear. The thought process is along the lines of, ‘my family would be better off without me but I’m not suicidal’ if that makes any sense. I see, logically, that it appears selfish, but it doesn’t FEEL

The Code 45* team has noticed how much you Americans love your proclamations; so many Days, Weeks, or Months dedicated to observing or honouring some thing or another. All presidents make these “ceremonial” proclamations, which are mostly meaningless other than to designate some time of special-interest observance or

Lol you mean the “lets not make it easy to kill people” brand? If that’s unsavory to you then maybe you should learn to remove human flesh from your diet.

Obama did not catch wind of this till 2016 just before leaving office and when he did he declared a federal emergency for Flint, due to the officials in office in Flint downplaying and denying the magnitude of the situation there for as long as they could thus delaying any remedy or help needed.

This shit again.

So you actually had a specific job, and didn’t do that job for a while? That is different. This guy has never worked as a geologist, not for a week, not for a day. If you got a degree in accounting 30 years ago, but never worked as an accountant, you can’t call yourself an accountant.

Who fucking cares? Plenty of people have run for governor without serving in a “lower office first.”

White House sources tell me Trump plans to replace Pruitt with Cannibal Witch later today.

What is the point of unlimited time-off if you can’t have Dramatic Hate Fucking?

I can’t believe people would rather shit indoors than eat food.

Thank you! This helped me make the tough choice between my sweet doggie and food crops.

Yeah, that’s the flappy door and the side of the container. Sorry, I always knew this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BULLSHIT. He was not “desperate.” He was an entitled male ENRAGED that his former girlfriend didn’t want to date him anymore.

Also, this is less a “school shooting” than a “male feels entitled to woman who doesn’t like him, so he kills her” shooting.

The net is closing, and according to today’s Code 45*, the president is thinking hard about what his future will hold. I have it on good authority that he has taken great interest in movies of late. According to various sources, 45* prefers movies that are simplistic and rah-rah (Bloodsport, Air Force One); movies

I had a copy of the wedding dress he designed for Funny Face made for my wedding dress.

Today’s Code 45* finds our hero returning to an airing of his existential angst about his job, a la: “how do I get out of this shit show I created for myself?” Well, he recently came upon a stunning possibility; one of those “so crazy it just might work” deals. Very few people are aware of the high level (we’re

A lot of white people can’t identify racism in the world or in themselves, so are we surprised that they can’t spot it in Trump? If there aren’t burning crosses, white hoods or flagrant use of the n-word involved, they just can’t be sure if someone is racist “in their heart.”

I remember seeing a quote last year somewhere that said: