
Not to add to your worry, but you express a common misconception. Pap smears do absolutely nothing to detect ovarian cancer. Their only benefit is to detect cervical cancer (or conditions that can lead to cervical cancer). Pap smears NEVER show evidence for or against ovarian cancer. For women at higher risk of

The expression “blood is thicker than water” originally meant that the bond between comrades is stronger than family, as in bathing in the blood of your enemies is a pretty powerful bonding experience, and it has been bastardized into meaning the exact opposite.

I’ve always been REAL suspicious that anyone who tells you you’ve gotta look past stuff like this is secretly harboring some toxic shit of their own and wants the reassurance you’d look past that too.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

Don’t tell white people from Maryland that. They won’t hear it.

BTW, absolutely LOVE the loser quote on that statue’s pedestal:

Nah. New Yorkers never loved him. He may believe so, but nope.

This is such a vinyl snob thing to say, but shuffle killed albums. I appreciate iTunes and buying individual songs and having a giant music library. BUT there is something about listening to a complete album in the order it was intended. Great (generally older) albums were arranged purposefully. After we got into

This is such a vinyl snob thing to say, but shuffle killed albums. I appreciate iTunes and buying individual songs

So you’re saying that the Nazis are justified in their bigotry? It’s assholes like you who got us in this mess by deluding yourself into thinking that we should “Listen to both sides of the conversation.”. If one side wants to kill minorities you shouldn’t be so interested in equalizing it with the side that doesn’t.

Maybe she can roll you off the couch and have you join her.

“and we are all made by the same almighty God”

How is a person who has no children but pays their taxes (I assume she did) a drain on society? For example, the taxes I pay support schools, despite me not having any children to attend those school.

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

400 cats, wow, Beth Stern is just a few tax brackets away from a Hoarders episode. Kidding, 400 cats is amazing. I say that as someone who fosters cats and kittens, that shit gets expensive and labor intensive. Spay and neuter your cats, people, kitties are slutty and positively Duggarish on birth control.

Get a grip. Everyone gets irritated when they’re driving, walking, cycling, jogging. People are only as deranged as this guy if they actually do it. Jesus.

Like, are we really going to be giving someone shit about asserting their emotions about having children? If he knows he doesn’t want more children, that’s his decision and it really isn’t anyone’s place to question it. If the roles were reversed would you be fine with telling Anna Faris to have another kid because

I’m curious...what would the compromise be? Half a child that they share with another family?

The first amendment allows people to express those ideas without fear of repercussion from the government. That’s not the same as being told “hey, shut the fuck up.” Or being denied a platform by your peers, through which you would spread those hateful views. Or being fired from your job for emailing your coworkers

Absolutely not. Unreasonable positions include things like advocating genocide and white purity and all sorts of alt-right goals. Our grandparents flew across the world to blow away people for expressing and instituting fascist views, and rightfully so. Discourse is the tool that fascism uses to legitimize itself,