Stacey Augmon's Mom

The wording is odd. “All athletics and weightlifting are banned.”

If this was Jezebel, the title would’ve been “Entitled White Male Harasses Chinese Woman Online, Gets What He Deserves.”

Clint Eastwood is right. We’re the pussy generation.

I guess the only difference here is that shitpile isn’t used figuratively.

+1 roast beef sandwich

This guy is normal?

The fuck’s your deal? Dude was happy with his gas mileage, and you jump on him for his decision. You must be a joy to hang out with...

Man, I thought it was just BYU who did this bullshit

The gigantic blue stripe on the tyre also gives it away...

Videos involving Russians and mother-in-laws usually end up on Pornhub.

So, how much more of our natural resources are being used to first crush these cheater cars, then used to build the new cars the owners are using? Are we, as humans, and curators of this earth, cutting off our nose to spite our face?

Sure thing, little guy

5'10" is not tall.

Fuck you, Nerd!

I work at an office with this freakishly tall dude. I’m average height, so I thought it would be funny if I acted like we were in the same height category. This guy has never laughed at my joke, and I realized that it really bothered him. I’ve been doing this for two years just to see how long it takes for him to


Hi Kristen,

“... the first person Jerry seems to genuinely get along with.”

“...and he just might be the first person Jerry seems to genuinely get along with.”

“No whey!”