stacy flint

but the skill

This guy gets it. #preach

Weight savings is my favourite way to gain performance because it helps everything in your car:

I frigging loved that video. It’s amazing how much they trimmed from that Sentra.

Sports Compact Car says “amateurs”.

If it helps, I’m like the second oldest writer on staff here.

So Mitsubishi calls this the Eclipse but Toyota won’t call the new Supra a Supra? I guess one brand has a lot more to lose.

Bass? Dropped.

You sir, are a glutton for restoration punishment. Good work, looks fantastic!

That’s what she said!

“That’s actually just the tip,” engineer Tom Dye replied.

Thanks! I think “Tim Timebomb” is the coolest name I’ve heard in a long time. If I was still young and single, that’d be my name when I hit the clubs.

Tim Barry can do no wrong. From Avail to his solo stuff, it’s all just insanely good. Plus the dude still hops trains.

Tim’s live shows are great. PA system died at one small show, so Tim marches out into the middle of the crowd, plops down in the middle of the floor with his guitar, and gets everyone to sit around him like an elementary school class. One of the most intimate shows I’ve ever been to.