
You’re still stealing from hundreds of thousands of employees that make “Hollywood” work. Most of them are not creeps or predators. By your logic you might as well not support anything since bad apples ruin everything for you.

You’re still stealing from hundreds of thousands of employees that make “Hollywood” work. Most of them are not

What you’re doing isn’t corrupt or ass backwards?

What you’re doing isn’t corrupt or ass backwards?

May you be forced to wait tables for a year.

Do not give a cop your unlocked phone to show proof of insurance.

This ain’t a health food site, but c’mon dude. We’re talking about fruit. Though I didn’t (anywhere in the article) suggest people eat bowls upon bowls of this stuff, I don’t think we need to be warning people of the dangers of fresh fruit with a bit of cheese.

It’ll be challenged and most likely thrown out by the Supreme Court. Gorsuch and the other conservative judges can’t have California and others exercising their states rights to try and expose Trump’s criminal activities.

I remember the good old days when I could drag and drop songs onto my iPod or iPhone without creating a playlist, syncing it, realizing it overrode all of my existing music, re-building the playlist, re-syncing, realizing that some of the songs had been registered on too many devices, un-registering old computers and

They’ll need to raise the maximum standards too. Score too high on an IQ test? They can and have kept people out of the force for that.

Holy shit. Not sure where you live but we have cops who do nothing but hand out speeding tickets getting paid over $100k in NJ (median pay in NJ is over $90k). They retire after only 20 years and pull in 75% of the last 3 year average salary. They get huge OT allotments when they are in those last 3 years so that they

1) Pay them more, you get what you pay for in just like any other product.

It’s made from cows’ and pigs’ skins. If you eat meat, the sourcing is not that different from the other meat you eat.

Corn ice cream because I just really want to know how this even works.

“Send me nudes” produced nothing sadly.

Sitting in your seat and waiting until the proper time is definitely the right thing to do.

I think the tipping system is terrible and we should absolutely abandon it, but for now, it’s what we’re stuck with — and we as customers are benefiting from the lower prices restaurants can offer by paying their servers jack shit. Servers are taxed on a percentage on their receipts, not the actual tips they make, so

This kind of chicanery takes considerably longer than their normal way of processing orders (regardless if “proper” establishments do it as a rule). If it was common, in the long run this kind of thing can eat into revenue because of the excess consumables (plastic tubs) and decrease in average orders/hour and would

I expect that the act is used by someone who is trying to wear a facade of being powerful, either for their own ego or to “impress” someone (or both.)

I think they are referring to $50's and $100's... which a lot of places have a hard time breaking because they don’t keep a bunch of cash in the register.

It would be uh-BA (like in “at”). And no, that’s exactly the opposite of the argument I’m making.

I suggest that when an app is only useful for those using a certain operating system that the writer or editor put that into the headline.