
Kinda off topic but is journey ever coming to PC? I wanted to play that game but I don't want to buy a new system just to play it.

I love GOG as much as the next guy but Ill wait for the Steam version. One click install and run mods through the workshop.. yes please. Though im sure GOG offers like a bunch of extras like soundtracks or wall papers which I love.

I thought this was suppose to be a next gen title? Doesn't matter to me since I game on a PC mostly but wow does that look bad lol.

aw yes cant wait and there's a 4 pack on Steam. I think its my turn to buy the 4 pack in my little gaming group.

Thats alot of people.. and piss.

Oh man this looks cool. I loved the fifth element... all I want to know is can you fly downwards like in the movie dodging traffic!

As someone whos only played the original starcraft what killed all those flying rat things in the Terran clip?

If you compare its combat to what was in Bioshock it is very weak. I still enjoyed the word and story though. Would have loved different bullets more synergy in with the different vigors.

Silver pots, cups, plates, spoons, forks, knives, swords! anything silver I steal and throw into my basement in riften.

Read the title thought of this picture right away lol.

Kickstarter is now seen as a way for Dev to get funding without going to a publisher. With a publisher they would be at there mercy with kickstarter and its donates they would have control over the product. I actually like it, I and many others helped fund a type of game that many publishers today would shoo away and

Now this is a gameplay trailer not that sorry ass excuse for a trailer for that Mad Max game.

I think it looks good.

OH yes this along with Torment: Tides of Numenera, Project Eternity and Wasteland 2. Its going to be a good year, and all this is because of kickstarter and its backers!

Same here. Shame theres no Pre-loading. I wish all games that you have pre-ordered have pre-load on them. That we it lessens the day one download.

I think it looks really good.

Im so glad I helped support, My money was well spent I cant wait til July 25.

Aw man what was more gruesome was the textures. Why does this video look worse then some others Ive seen. ( was playing at 1080p on youtubes)

Oh man this looks good. Since Beth stopped making DLC for skyrim im glad PC gamers are making these amazing mods for me to play. Also thanks to steam workshop making it a one click install.

I got lucky and got some of those foil cards. But I also sell TF2 items and Dota 2 items.