I sell all my cards made about 20 bucks. Bought more games. I see nothing wrong with the cards that are now on steam.
I sell all my cards made about 20 bucks. Bought more games. I see nothing wrong with the cards that are now on steam.
Ive never been jealous of a phone game but this one looks like fun. Will it ever be released on PC? Id pay like 5 to 7 bucks of that on the PC.
unbeatable HA took a pile of stims but I beat him!
Me to.. me to. I would love for some books of the fallout universe.
Dude Im loving all these Fallout fan flicks. Between this Nuka Break and now Red Star this going to be great.
Looks alright I'll wait till they release a actually gameplay trailer.
Yes but these new achievements get you things like backgrounds for your profile and other do-das!
Well the guy was a ranger, only people that came from the vaults had them.
I don't thing the guys at wayside want to use anything that was written up by someone else. Remember their are a ton of old Rangers out there.
It had to look appealing to those raiders. If there was just like two caps I don't think they would have bother.
No worries, The annotations get really annoying I always have them off when watching stuff on youtube.
I think its to show that shes a good person kills sure but then does the decent thing and give those raiders a burial.
Well they had a successful kickstarter for their other show Nuka Break. I can see being successful as well.
It seems that caps mean nothing to this ex-ranger.
Yea lol I wonder why its so valuable what is it used for. I know New Vegas had quest for you to collect a bunch of them and bring them back to the sunset sarsaparilla factory for some sort of special treasure.
What red banner? you mean the thing that says we made this into a webserires click here to see the first episode. If so you can close that or click the little box next to the CC button to turn annotations off.
They said that red star was to be more serious with more dark tones.
Looks interesting I like the idea of no quest logs and little markers telling you were to go how many boars you have to kill. A real RPG..
Yea you would think this info would be in the article but its not....