
What red banner? you mean the thing that says we made this into a webserires click here to see the first episode. If so you can close that or click the little box next to the CC button to turn annotations off.

They said that red star was to be more serious with more dark tones.

Looks interesting I like the idea of no quest logs and little markers telling you were to go how many boars you have to kill. A real RPG..

Yea you would think this info would be in the article but its not....

As a long time PC gamer.. Welcome come feast upon our sales and enjoy are custom made maps and mods. But don't forget you can always still play consoles on the side if you want.

I think they have fixed that with this new expansion. I ve played three games so far and have had a great time trading and just being best pals with my neighboring civs. Only if you push them do they get angry, like using great general to steal land or stealing archaeology sites from them. I mostly play with bots on

It looks real good. FF X is my favorite of all the FF games that and 9.

lol yes I couldn't close the window fast enough.

Same here nothing ruins a video more then dup step at least for me.

"First of all did the art style of Starbound put me off a little but seeing how it's inspired by Terraria" Isnt this being made by the guys who made terraria or at least one of them?

Looking good who's ready for Terraria in SPACE!!

Oh man Icewind Dale is in my top 5 favorite games. Yea its tough in the beginning but keep at it the story is great plus your wizard will be a boss after a couple of fights.

Hey hey Disney... Make KOTOR 3 if you want some money. Hell put it on kickstarter if you want us to pay you to make it.

Wow really me and my friends had a blast we played though all the missions and couldn't get enough. Im glad there's a editor cant wait to download more missions.

They could of have just re skinned red dead and made millions... provided it was released on the PC.

I love way this is headed. More more!

That's what I'm saying there is no real reason as to why this game isn't release on PC same day as PSN, Unless it was some sort of exclusive deal.

This is a problem that is going to be happening alot more often. Devs getting more money then they need so they feel bad and add on extra content that they haven't really thought out. I just hope in the future they stick to what they were going to do and not put to many stretch goals that they cant handle.

I hope not after all that PC loving they got for Dont Starve.