
But whats the excuse for PC? /PC Gamer

"PSN users get it first" Is this like some sort of sorry the game run like crap on your system reward? Even though its just a day I sure hate time exclusives.

"is that a picture of Yuffie in the background?"

Well when you first walk into the strip its filled with people. Bunch of NCR Troops drunk walking around puking, hookers dancing even strange men selling you concealed weapons to take into the casinos.

I'm really surprised that someone who loved Fallout ranks New Vegas under Fallout 3. New Vegas is more of a fallout game then 3 ever was. But hey whatever its his opinion.

Sigh so many people complaining about minecraft. Its like its cool to hate on things that millions of people enjoy....

I bought this a while back and I Am not regretting paying my 40 bucks. Im glad they got onto steam and is now in the eyes of other gamers. Its a fun game and cant wait till it is completed.

I dont think Valve will ever release HL3 there is so much hype around it is not going to be worth the wait. Im looking forward to the next Left for Dead.

Looks alright but I dont think its coming to PC. Lego should just make a official lego building game like minecraft.

While I enjoyed Game Grumps I can understand if they want to move on and get back to their passions. The new guy isn't to bad but they cant recreate what Jon and Egoraptor. The new show Steam Train looks ok but I don't think its going to be as good as game grumps.

I like the game but some parts were buggy or just not well thoughout. It had the same problem as deus ex. being a stealthy character made boss fights really difficult.

I would love me some actual Lego game or thrones.

I thought it was ellen page doing the voice for the last of us. Guess not..

My investment is coming along nicely... yes...yes...

Its also fun for adults who don't want to be seen playing with legos.

I cant wait I hope they hire some obsidian guys to do the writing and story. Loved the atmosphere of Fallout 3 but loved the quests and story from New Vegas.

Thats from New Vegas the big empty DLC to be exact.

Look at that all the complaining did something. See fellow gamers! you did it you voted with your wallets and told Microsoft that you would not buy their game/console. This is how we get game devs and publisher to listen to us. Go now and enjoy your Xboxes and PlayStation!

Yea I could see this making its way onto consoles and tablets. You dont need many buttons and it can run on almost anything.