Tough titties you guys got the new stuff in terraria. I wouldn't mind a trade that way we are all happy.
Tough titties you guys got the new stuff in terraria. I wouldn't mind a trade that way we are all happy.
Well dude resident evil has always been about zombies. What would they do a cooking game?
I don't know what the other comments are talking about that game looks like a lot of fun. I just hope Its not a DLC bloatware game.
Not old enough!
I bought ticket to ride and its dlc. Was not disappointed.
I hope not. Being old sucks just ask any old person.
PC master race here. That was a nice video very surprised it was done on a xbox. Didn't know the xbox minecraft had all the rail tracks already.
yes then minecraft made it popular.
Such a shame they wasted the voice talent on that crap. He could of done a telltale game instead, Dam that would of been great.
Since minecraft almost all games now do this.
/slow clap that's why they keep pushing this always online DRM on to games. Way to show game company's that this works. Do not pirate do not play their games show them you don't like these types of DRM with your money.
From what hes saying Orgin is the Pizza place and Simcity is the pizza I think.
People want Sim city not a bunch of other games. If they cant get that they want their money back.
Pffft I wish my dad played video games maybe then I could hang out with him more.
Funny thing is there's a lot more then one person who liked the old way.
Yea defiantly more Terraria and TF2
Ive played it, wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be building in that game like bases is useless.
I just don't understand why they couldn't satisfied the old Sim City players with a single player part, along with this thing they made.
I didnt even bother with saints row until I saw Saints row3. The older saints row games just seemed to be another GTA style game. Im glad they found their own style.