
OMG NO WAY! other people enjoy things that I dislike what are the odds that everyone is not like me.

It was such a good show it made KB career.

I wanted some cool nuka cola posters.

Every article about kickstarter someone asks this question. No it is not.

This right right yes!

Yea I was sadden when I saw the tiny plots of lands you have to build your city.

Umm over here. last console was a PS1.

Its looking good. Another Kickstarter project coming through nicely.

Same here, Couldn't donate fast enough.

TILL DEATH DO YOU PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I run into that all the time. A try not a fix is to press tab before minimizing when you come back it should not be double mouse.

It doesn't really matter why. It says he can so you should be able to.

Its not the users connection that is the problem its EA's connection. If more companies want to do this always online DRM they need to do it better on launch. Every time this is implemented its always a shit feast on day one.

Lucky for you.

Yes since most of the game is run on their servers you wont be able to play them once EA decides to stop running the servers.

Yea dishonored had a better gameplay aspect, but the story wasn't as nearly as good as walking dead.

Oh wow yea ep 2 was also my favorite out of all them.

I had zero issues with the game it was my personal game of the year. Loved the story and characters and really felt something for the little girl and her survival. Cant wait for the sequel.

Sounds good but I cant back down from my stance against always online DRM. It worked with Ubisoft it will work with EA just have to hold our ground fellow gamers!

This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard congrats to you.