Sounds like you havent had the chance to use a SSD before. The loading times at least for me is less then 5 secs in skyrim with about 50+ mods. It makes a very big difference. I just wish the cost of those bastards would go down a bit.
Sounds like you havent had the chance to use a SSD before. The loading times at least for me is less then 5 secs in skyrim with about 50+ mods. It makes a very big difference. I just wish the cost of those bastards would go down a bit.
Well yes because most of the games out are made for consoles then ported to PC.
ARG more DLC crap. Lets hope its at least like Bethesda DLC where its new missions new maps and not just a new gun.
I would kill for a remake of those two games. I played them for such a long time.
"Kill yourself now please!" why because he cares about a hobbie more then you?
Wait what? the PS4 will do more things then my PC? I think you have that the other way around.
So true.
I don't trust these game site reviews. I just go watch some videos on youtube and ask my friends what they think of the game if they have it.
I guess because a lot of people liked it.
Oh man that was funny.
Indeed, There are people on kotaku that think kickstarter is died or full of scams when in reality it isn't and tons of great ideas are being funded and created all the time. I have no idea why the kotaku is so anti kickstarter.
The customer is allowed to complain about a bad product.
Oh what? mobile what the hell. I don't understand... why is... just why?!
lol OMG yes it is true!
Another reason why I love PC gaming I can go back and play any old games that I have. Right now I'm playing Theme hospital and and The battle for middle earth RTS. Thanks to other PC gamers and their mod fixes to get them run on win 7.
As a PC gamer Iv already been living without used games for a while now. I would hope to see a price drop on the consoles games though. No way in hell would I pay 60 for a game knowing I cant resell it down the line.
Yea I avoid taking that route as a gamer. Im glad its coming to GOG where I can legally purchase it again.
I was actually looking for this game, everywhere I found it was super expensive. I hope its not to much 10 or 15 bucks would be my number any higher I'll wait for a sale to go up on GOG.