That was a pretty good review, I got alot of information about the game and none of the useless scores.
That was a pretty good review, I got alot of information about the game and none of the useless scores.
Is this the new op ganman or whatever its called? Cant say Ive heard of it which is surprising since Im a huge internet nerd.
What the hell is a jiggawat??!?!
Kickstarter is not where you purchase things. You invest in a possible project that you feel would be a good idea. You are using kickstarter wrong.
Sweet baby jeues yes! Lets get back to when Star wars games were good and none of this MMO crap. Better story writing and characters to learn about and care about yes! This is the best news I heard all year. I hope Disney says yes.
Go away troll.
that was the best part for me they sounded real.
The return is the product and or promised rewards. Kickstarter is not a money gain investment. Its more of a donation.
How people actually fell for this kickstarter is mind boggling. There is zero to no actial information there just screen shots no video by the project manger or designs nothing. You need to know what you are investing in and this just screams bullshit. For every real project there's two scams like in everything. Be…
You have no idea how kickstarter works. If you don't want to invest in the project then don't. no one is forced to give money this is another way projects can find funding.
I don't know how many times this has to be said when these bad kickstaters happen. Kickstarter only takes the pledge money if it was successfully no money that you donate is taken until it is done. Be smart in what you invest in and you will never be left hanging. Kickstarter is not a place for you to buy things its…
I laugh at you physical game owners and your archaic ways of transporting goods from one place to another. /Man with good internet speeds
Yea even though it screams Ipad or touch device.
Oh no I hope not. I like my PC more for gaming and would never touch a xbox.
yea what ever happen to that series..
This looks really cool. Even though I'm a avid PC gamer these controls look simple enough to be used on tables and touch phones, I wounder if they plan to port this out to such devices.
I wouldn't mind a new front page on the store. a lot of good games get lost because lack of front store reality. Steam did good when they added the button to stop showing DLC on the front page to free up more space, since everyday there was some new DLC out that day.
judging by the kickstarter your not!
It never really pays to be the first one to own anything. I only do it when Its a game or product I really want and understand that it might be cheaper very soon.