Im sure if you work it out with steam you could get your name cleared.
Im sure if you work it out with steam you could get your name cleared.
I guess where going to start seeing people lending out their consoles to friends so they can borrow a game.
The movie industry makes most of its money from the first 3 to 6 months of showing the movie in theaters. They also fight hard to stop pirates from getting their movies stolen during that time frame.
You can't really sell used games on PC anyway. This wont effect PC gaming at all.
Only hackers and cheaters get banned from Steam.
It was kickstarted so there really shouldn't be a bankruptcy at least for the not at first.
Thats why I dont buy used anything.
Thats not how it works I the customer have money they the company want my money. I don't give my money to games they require always online. simple as that I'll just keep playing Sim city 4 and Tropico 4.
It does you just need to do some work and find the mods.
Im holding out for some Farcry 3 action.
You should wait or just search the forums Dota 2 is going to be official released soon for free. Also there are tons of dota invites out there Im sure you will have no problem finding one for your self.
It sounds like this guy sad something you didn't like in another article and now your calling him out now. Im not sure whats going on but OP has a point, no one from the original black isle is there so buying anything from them should be taken as a new company and not from the creators of Fallout.
Yes I do remember fallout New Vegas it was amazing.
There are no micro translations in minecraft. Also Dayz is a mod it doesn't cost anything.
Im surprised that the game could get a job with any gaming company after that. Even if war z was a good game just saying his name would ruin it.
Looks like Dayz but with mirco transactions . You can buy food and weapons before you even start playing..... doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of this game.
Im glad im not the only one that notices kotaku's hate for kickstarter. They always jump on the littlest bad news that comes out of kickstarter.
No one anywhere on Kickstarter does it say that you will get a complete product, its a risk yes but not a massive one seeing as you can choose to put up as much as you want. "I will continue putting my money down on shit that is actually out there right now. " If that is what you want then you shouldn't be on…
10 bucks says Valve does this better then Bliz did with there auction house.
There it is my number one reason why I prefer gaming on my PC. Gamers have control over the game. With that power they fixed part of the game.